A Library of Community Generated Code for the Scripts Block

Adjust dates of Gantt workflows

by Greg Vonf at Business Automated

Using this scripting app you can easily adjust the start and end dates of your Gantt workflows in Airtable.


Compression and Decompression Script

by Tim Mackey

Using compression to store up to 10x the normal amount of data in a cell


Cast Formula for Scripts

by openside

Lets you use the cast feature in a script.


Sort Linked Records by Name

by Omer Frydman

Automatically sort linked records in a cell by name with this automation script.


Time Tracking Automation

by Struan Farquhar

Allows you to update a status field and kicks off a time tracker in the background so they don’t have to worry about tracking their hours.


Review Random Records

by Alex Wolfe

Randomly review a list of records and assign single-select field values.


Clean up your Tables Quick and Easy

by Victoria Plummer

This script converts data that's stored over many fields, into data that's stored in one field with multiple parameters in a new table.


Record Timer

by Justin Barrett

This script lets you instantly start and stop a virtual timer on any record.


Bulk Add a Linked Records to Fields that have existing Linked Records

by Victoria Plummer

This script will let you bulk add a linked record to existing fields.


Creating Projects/Tasks From Templates

by Giovanni Briggs

This script will ensure that the dependencies between the task templates are maintained when creating the tasks for a new project.
