Top 10
New Followers
The creators with most new followers in this month

Kasra Kyanzadeh
I help build Airtable!
Total Followers: 18
Albrey Brown
Lover of food, music, and culture. Diversity, equity, and inclusion here at Airtable. Everything sucks, make it better.
Total Followers: 11

Steve's Seaside Allotment
I've tried lots of ways to manage my allotment. This collection of simple databases has proved to be the best so far. I particularly like the fact that I can access them from my tablet, phone and PC
Total Followers: 104

David Peterson
Growth @ Airtable. Organizing the world one base at a time.
Total Followers: 235
Iris Naudin
Hello, je suis Iris ! Je suis designer UX et chaque jour, je résouds les problèmes de mes clients grâce au design thinking pour des produits meilleurs, durablement.
Total Followers: 4

We're creating the highest-quality content on the internet for SaaS businesses.
Total Followers: 55

Diego Fornazier Gozer
Fusce et molestie dolor, et facilisis nulla. Cras auctor eros sed sed.
Total Followers: 14

WeWork UX
User experience design @ WeWork. We create and inspire compelling and effective experiences through deep data-driven human understanding.
Total Followers: 257
Nick Raff
Fusce et molestie dolor, et facilisis nulla. Cras auctor eros sed sed.
Total Followers: 9

W. Vann Hall
Short version: Consultant, developer, and author with extensive data and telecommunications experience. | Long version: | Fun version:
Total Followers: 103
Top 10
New Likes
The bases with the most new likes this month
Example Script Showcase
There are tons of ways to use the scripting block, so the Airtable platform team has collected some of our favorite examples, both internally and from the community, to help demonstrate what's possible and give other scripters a place to get started fast. Visit the source code, make a copy, and tweak these example scripts to work in your own bases! Some examples also include a link to a Universe base or template with the scripting block already installed so you can quickly make a copy and get started. NOTE: If you choose to copy and use any community-generated script, you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that source code hasn't updated since we chose to put it in this showcase, or that it will work as expected. We've tagged scripts created by the Airtable team, and you can find them all in the "Scripts Created by Airtable" view.
Total Likes: 10
28 Black Creatives Throughout History
At Airtable, we believe in amplifying creativity. For this February—Black History Month in the United States—we're highlighting the work of Black creatives throughout history. Check out this base and learn about just a few of the important Black figures who have made an impact on the history of the United States through their creative processes.
Total Likes: 9
Salesforce integration template
A template base to sync Salesforce and Airtable using the [AirForce]( app. Use Airtable for easy bulk editing, analytics, data sharing, and much more for your Salesforce install! This template is the default template we share with clients using the AirForce Salesforce & Airtable sync, but can be used with any other sync method. For more see [](
Total Likes: 2
Conference Rooms Scheduling
This base will help you organise your conference. For each Session assign a Time slot and a Room. IIn the Time Slot table: 1. You can see for each time slot which Rooms are ? _booked_ and which ones are ? _free_. 2. A?_cop_ field will indicate you if a Room has been booked more than once.
Total Likes: 2
2020 Spending Tracker ?
I needed a way to keep track of my expenses and subscriptions, and to see where all of my money in all of my accounts was going. So I made this budgeting base! Think of it as a "command center" for all of your finances. In the Subscriptions table, I differentiate between Monthly and Annual subscriptions, and I've created charts that automatically update based on the data you input.
Total Likes: 2
How to show a Running Total?
Use this base to show a running total for your sales report or any other list of numbers. This is something a bit less straightforward to do in Airtable than in an Excel sheet (for once).
Total Likes: 2
"mini hana" Japanese GETA
Japanese "hanao"workshop Geta and Japanese sandals. みにはな
Total Likes: 2
The Shadchan's Suite
I created this base to help out shadchanim in our community to be able to gather their data and make matches more easily. Girls & Boys Table: Use this table to gather all the single girls you want to redt shidduchim for. Resume Forms: In the Girls and Boys tables, you have a ready-made form that you can send to prospective parents, as they submit a form a new single record we be generated in the prospective table. Age: Enter the date of birth and the age will be auto-calculated Matches Table: In this table you'll be able to construct matches and you have 3 views, Grid, Gallery and Kanban. In the kanban view you can move each match through the following statuses: - Girls side proposed - Boys side proposed - Both sides doing info - More info needed - Ready to date - Dating/Bishow - Engaged! - Not a match A boy and girl record can be referenced to many matches. Enjoy!
Total Likes: 1
LinkedIn Sales Prospecting & Outreach
Over at Koala Rank, LinkedIn prospecting and outreach is a big part of what we do. With this template, you get an immediate head start for your prospecting activities, as well as a couple views which allow you to visualize the connection schedule and pipeline. What is Koala Rank? Koala Rank is a done-for-you business blogging service for B2B brands looking to gain value from building a targeted audience that engages with their content. What is this table for? This table is for all of those people who are struggling to find an ideal organization for their LinkedIn outreach. It's made specifically with LinkedIn in mind, not email nor any other tactic. Where can I learn more about Koala Rank? The Koala Rank blog is a place where we share insights on the world of content marketing for up-and-coming brands. Check it out at [](
Total Likes: 1
Pressure Vessel Inspection Organiser
Capture all of your legal requirements on one web based database and share them with the team. Keep word documents, PDF and photographs in one central location and not on everyone's drives, linked to emails or in drop box. Plan your next inspection and assign a frequency of inspection, type of inspection and date. Do this for your firm, your customers and clients. And the best of all its free and its yours.
Total Likes: 1
Top 10
New Copies
The bases with the most new copies this month
28 Black Creatives Throughout History
At Airtable, we believe in amplifying creativity. For this February—Black History Month in the United States—we're highlighting the work of Black creatives throughout history. Check out this base and learn about just a few of the important Black figures who have made an impact on the history of the United States through their creative processes.
Total Copies: 151
Example Script Showcase
There are tons of ways to use the scripting block, so the Airtable platform team has collected some of our favorite examples, both internally and from the community, to help demonstrate what's possible and give other scripters a place to get started fast. Visit the source code, make a copy, and tweak these example scripts to work in your own bases! Some examples also include a link to a Universe base or template with the scripting block already installed so you can quickly make a copy and get started. NOTE: If you choose to copy and use any community-generated script, you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that source code hasn't updated since we chose to put it in this showcase, or that it will work as expected. We've tagged scripts created by the Airtable team, and you can find them all in the "Scripts Created by Airtable" view.
Total Copies: 55
2020 Spending Tracker ?
I needed a way to keep track of my expenses and subscriptions, and to see where all of my money in all of my accounts was going. So I made this budgeting base! Think of it as a "command center" for all of your finances. In the Subscriptions table, I differentiate between Monthly and Annual subscriptions, and I've created charts that automatically update based on the data you input.
Total Copies: 53
Freelance invoice generator
If you freelance, you know optimizing your time is a high priority. This base automates client billing and invoice creation to save you time. How the base is setup This base is somewhat simplified - you can track tasks, how much time they took to complete, and how much you charge for each one. There's even an option to override an auto-calculated task cost for those times when you give a discount, or incur other fees that aren't captured by a flat hourly rate. A meetings table is ready to be use to take down meeting notes, and link tasks with each specific meeting. Standardized invoice design By linking each task to an invoice number, the invoice total is automatically generated based on each task associated with it. Then, the Page Designer block is already configured with a standardized invoice design that plugs in the details for you. Once you're ready to send it to a client, all you need to do is print to PDF and send it their way. How you can use and adapt this base If you wan to use this base for your own work - including the invoice design - please do! You could create a copy of this base for each client or project you have, or even use it to track all tasks, clients, meetings, and invoices for your business.
Total Copies: 35
Home Project Tracker
Track your current, upcoming, and dream projects! - Keep all your contractor and handyman information, contracts, and invoices handy. - Inventory your supplies and create a shopping list. - Project tracking with photos, input for tutorials, items needed, type of project, DYI vs Professional, and more. - List all your dream projects so you don't forget them, but keep them separate from reality when planning and tracking.
Total Copies: 31
2020 US Calendar
This is a simple 2020 calendar built with Airtable. This can serve you as a base to create your own timesheet, expense tracker, sales dashboard or anything else you want to measure over time (day / week / month / quarter). Noam Say
Total Copies: 29
Knowledge Manager for Architecture Firm
Description This base was designed to manage know-how for an an architect-of-record company in Monterrey, MX. BIMmx provides BIM integration and development services and this base (better known as "Shepherd") helps guide all team members to information within the company. References Read more about the thought process that led to this project here: []( Curious on why this project was developed in Airtable? Read about other evaluated alternatives for a Knowledge Management platform here: []( Want to dive deep into what makes the base work? Follow this link: [](
Total Copies: 28
UX & Design Tinking Monster Base (fr)
Cette liste a été créée pour toutes celles et ceux qui se demandent où aller chercher des templates et des ressources en UX, design thinking et innovation. Je mets régulièrement cette base à jour en fonction des trouvailles que vous me faites remonter, alors n'hésitez pas à revenir régulièrement ? Vous en voulez encore ? [Rejoignez-nous sur le groupe La Trib'UX]( ou parcourez la Monster Liste de Livres UX et Design Thinking (fr) ?[]( Améliorons la liste ensemble ? ? [Ajoutez vos pépites et pro tips]( ? [Faites-moi vos suggestions en DM]( Soutenez la liste Si vous décidez de créer un compte Airtable (vous devriez, c'est trop de la balle, mais on en reparlera), faites-le en utilisant mon [lien d'affiliation]( Mon compte sera crédité de 10$, ce qui fait vivre la liste pendant tout un mois. C'est peut-être un détail pour vous, mais pour moi ça veut dire beaucoup ? _Astuce : pour faire une recherche spécifique, utilisez la touche Ctrl+F (ou ⌘+F sur Mac)_
Total Copies: 27
How to show a Running Total?
Use this base to show a running total for your sales report or any other list of numbers. This is something a bit less straightforward to do in Airtable than in an Excel sheet (for once).
Total Copies: 17
Update: February 18, 2020 - modified the Tasks Grouped by Status table to exclude any task where a check is in the Done column. You can undo this by simply removing the filter should you want those visible. Update: February 12, 2020 - changed Status column to Task Status, added more detailed formula to yield statuses of Planning, Due Soon, Due Today, Overdue and Wrap It Up. Included emojis around status names to visually draw the eye. Taskboard is a task management database giving you the simplicity of tracking your day to day tasks, yet power to visualize those tasks in a few ways which will keep you productive and staying on track to your follow-ups and due dates. TASKBOARD TABLE: There is one main table - Taskboard Table and from this you have multiple views of the data along with a web form you can use to enter your tasks on the fly making it easier to get the data into the table. The form can be bookmarked on your Mac, PC or tablet for quicker access. Selecting multiple Tags on from the form is as simple as holding your control key down and selecting the tags you would like for each task. Project Type, Priority and Tags can be modified to whatever you want. Simply select the drop own and select Customize Field Type. You can delete what you don't want or just select it and type over it to rename. The Task Status column is a formula driven field. There is one aspect that pulls from the Done column and the Follow-Up Date field. If you select the Done checkbox, then the Status column will change to Done, however if not checked as done the formula will look at the Follow-Up Date for a few IF scenarios If Follow-up Date is greater than 2 weeks prior to the date the Task Status will show as Planning If Follow-up Date is equal to 1 week before date, then Task Status is Due Soon If Follow-up Date is greater than 0, then the Task Status is Wrap It Up If Follow-up Date is Today, then Task Status is Due Today, otherwise Overdue Each of the above has an emoji on left and right of the words to just visually catch your eye more. This is a nice quick way to look at the table and see how you are tracking against your tasks. TASKS GROUPED BY TASK STATUS Another view copied from the main table is the Tasks Grouped by Task Status. This is just a more focused view looking at statuses that include Planning, Due Soon, Wrap It Up, Due Today and Overdue. This is formula based and uses some emojis to visually draw your eye. CALENDAR FOLLOW-UP & DUE If you are a calendar person, then this is a view you will like. This is working off the Follow-Up date and Due Date fields, where you will see your task displayed as a range of Follow-Up date as the beginning and the Due Date as the end date. The color codes are triggered by Tags and Priority - if the Tag is not empty and the priority is Urgent, then the color is red, if the priority is Hot, the color is pink etc. At a glance you can glean by the color where your focus should or should not be. KANBAN BY PRIORITY This view focuses on the Priority of the task. The cards are customized to show you the task name, task status, priority, follow-up date, and the due date. To dig deeper just click the card to expand for more details. This helps keep the card size to be seen in your screen so you don't have to scroll. You can easily modify this by selecting to customize the cards and turning on the item you want to display in the cards. KANBAN BY TYPE This view focuses on the Project Type. Remember these can change based on your needs, so what is displayed in the template are just examples. The cards are customized the same as the Kanban by Priority view. ADD A TASK FORM This view can be modified for your needs as well. You can copy the URL link and bookmark this for faster access of adding your tasks. If you have the proper account may also be able to make use of the Gantt block which uses both the Follow-Up and Due Date fields. I hope Taskboard moves you on your way to better productivity.
Total Copies: 16
New Bases
Bases added to the universe this month
Workout Buddy
Track your progress and your workouts with this simple yet effective base.
0 Likes | 3 Copies
Salesforce integration template
A template base to sync Salesforce and Airtable using the [AirForce]( app. Use Airtable for easy bulk editing, analytics, data sharing, and much more for your Salesforce install! This template is the default template we share with clients using the AirForce Salesforce & Airtable sync, but can be used with any other sync method. For more see [](
2 Likes | 8 Copies
Conference Rooms Scheduling
This base will help you organise your conference. For each Session assign a Time slot and a Room. IIn the Time Slot table: 1. You can see for each time slot which Rooms are ? _booked_ and which ones are ? _free_. 2. A?_cop_ field will indicate you if a Room has been booked more than once.
2 Likes | 5 Copies
2020 Oscars Ballots
Gather ballots from your friends and family ahead of the 2020 Academy Awards, and keep track of who made the most correct picks as you watch the show. How to use this base: - Share the Oscars Ballot form view in the Ballots table with your friends and family - Create a view share link to the Leaderboard view in the Ballots table, and share it with your friends and family so they can see how closely their picks align to those of the Academy - Check the Winner box next to each winner in the All Nominations by Category view in the Nominations table as you watch the show
0 Likes | 11 Copies
Electronics Inventory
Quickly organize, sort and filter general robotics items. This document has been specifically designed for FTC & FIRST related teams, but it’s high customizability, and ease of use make it a “go-to” for any other use case. How-to Guide 1. Naming Scheme Before you start using this tool is very important to create a consistent, yet effective way of naming each Part. The naming is based on the NATO phonetic alphabet. Each group of parts, preferably from the same batch or with the same characteristics(ex: motor gear ratio), is assigned a letter from the alphabet and an incremental ID. For labeling each part try to use something that can’t be easily removed like a Permanent Marker or a Label Maker. Example: For 4 Neverest 20 orbitals motors you could pick the letter “S”, that stands for Sierra, and assign the following IDs to the motors: S1, S2, S3, S4. 2. Parts Characteristics Each part has its attributes and features that differentiate it from other parts alike. This document currently supports DC Motors and Servo Motors along with some other trivial items like Controllers and Phones. General examples include but not limited to: Manufacturer, Product Number, Purchase Date, etc. Another essential factor when inventorying Parts is keeping track of their issues. The '_Anomalies_' column is the perfect place to note down all of the little problems that a Part has. 3. History and Use Cases The ‘_History_’ of a Part is a visual roadmap for easily checking all of the robots that the Part has been used on. This column is auto-generated based on the completed ‘_Use Case_’ cells. Rules: - The ‘_Use Case_’ cell has the following format: “[Robot Name] - [Subsystem Name]” - [Robot Names] are restricted to only one word. - The ‘-‘ must be between the 2 words for the ‘History’ to auto-generate correctly.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Creative writing
Create a dashboard for your writing projects. Plan your novels or short stories. Develop characters, scenes and ideas. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the template, reach out to me at [](
0 Likes | 0 Copies
Costume Process Organizer Template
Use this dynamic Airtable to track - which students are participating in performance - which students need which costumes - classes and costumes associated - order numbers associated to each class and costume
0 Likes | 3 Copies
2020 Spending Tracker ?
I needed a way to keep track of my expenses and subscriptions, and to see where all of my money in all of my accounts was going. So I made this budgeting base! Think of it as a "command center" for all of your finances. In the Subscriptions table, I differentiate between Monthly and Annual subscriptions, and I've created charts that automatically update based on the data you input.
2 Likes | 53 Copies
The Shadchan's Suite
I created this base to help out shadchanim in our community to be able to gather their data and make matches more easily. Girls & Boys Table: Use this table to gather all the single girls you want to redt shidduchim for. Resume Forms: In the Girls and Boys tables, you have a ready-made form that you can send to prospective parents, as they submit a form a new single record we be generated in the prospective table. Age: Enter the date of birth and the age will be auto-calculated Matches Table: In this table you'll be able to construct matches and you have 3 views, Grid, Gallery and Kanban. In the kanban view you can move each match through the following statuses: - Girls side proposed - Boys side proposed - Both sides doing info - More info needed - Ready to date - Dating/Bishow - Engaged! - Not a match A boy and girl record can be referenced to many matches. Enjoy!
1 Likes | 7 Copies
28 Black Creatives Throughout History
At Airtable, we believe in amplifying creativity. For this February—Black History Month in the United States—we're highlighting the work of Black creatives throughout history. Check out this base and learn about just a few of the important Black figures who have made an impact on the history of the United States through their creative processes.
9 Likes | 151 Copies
LinkedIn Sales Prospecting & Outreach
Over at Koala Rank, LinkedIn prospecting and outreach is a big part of what we do. With this template, you get an immediate head start for your prospecting activities, as well as a couple views which allow you to visualize the connection schedule and pipeline. What is Koala Rank? Koala Rank is a done-for-you business blogging service for B2B brands looking to gain value from building a targeted audience that engages with their content. What is this table for? This table is for all of those people who are struggling to find an ideal organization for their LinkedIn outreach. It's made specifically with LinkedIn in mind, not email nor any other tactic. Where can I learn more about Koala Rank? The Koala Rank blog is a place where we share insights on the world of content marketing for up-and-coming brands. Check it out at [](
1 Likes | 9 Copies
Fitness Dashboard
A smart way to track all fitness goals. Included: - Starting measurements page with the ability to track current weight, goal weight & body measurements - "Week" dashboard to keep each day of that particular week organised, with fields for; Weight loss / gain (Loss must be written as - ) , Number of steps made, work out , type of workout or area of focus on the body, duration of the workout, Meals and space to write what you have consumed, Total daily calories (can be written as total or can write like this - to indicate calories used) - Habits, can use for each day and categorise them into weeks, different ways to track habits - Reflection to help review how each week went. Space to write weight loss or gain, what went well, what you found hard, areas to improve and overall rating of how the week went or how you personally felt. - NSV/Achievements, a space to write down your Non-Scale Victories or achievements - Rewards , a space to write down rewards and when you can claim for them with a handy check list to say if you have claimed them or not. Fully customisable , add/take out what you need & don't need.
0 Likes | 4 Copies
2020 US Calendar
This is a simple 2020 calendar built with Airtable. This can serve you as a base to create your own timesheet, expense tracker, sales dashboard or anything else you want to measure over time (day / week / month / quarter). Noam Say
0 Likes | 29 Copies
Pressure Vessel Inspection Organiser
Capture all of your legal requirements on one web based database and share them with the team. Keep word documents, PDF and photographs in one central location and not on everyone's drives, linked to emails or in drop box. Plan your next inspection and assign a frequency of inspection, type of inspection and date. Do this for your firm, your customers and clients. And the best of all its free and its yours.
1 Likes | 0 Copies
Race Tracker
Keep track of you races, dates, distances and finish times
0 Likes | 0 Copies
SDG Base: Sustainable Development Goals
A base for the United Nations [Sustainable Development Goals]( and projects around them. The main table, SDG, is meant to be linked to other tables, depending on ones needs.
0 Likes | 6 Copies
UX & Design Tinking Monster Base (fr)
Cette liste a été créée pour toutes celles et ceux qui se demandent où aller chercher des templates et des ressources en UX, design thinking et innovation. Je mets régulièrement cette base à jour en fonction des trouvailles que vous me faites remonter, alors n'hésitez pas à revenir régulièrement ? Vous en voulez encore ? [Rejoignez-nous sur le groupe La Trib'UX]( ou parcourez la Monster Liste de Livres UX et Design Thinking (fr) ?[]( Améliorons la liste ensemble ? ? [Ajoutez vos pépites et pro tips]( ? [Faites-moi vos suggestions en DM]( Soutenez la liste Si vous décidez de créer un compte Airtable (vous devriez, c'est trop de la balle, mais on en reparlera), faites-le en utilisant mon [lien d'affiliation]( Mon compte sera crédité de 10$, ce qui fait vivre la liste pendant tout un mois. C'est peut-être un détail pour vous, mais pour moi ça veut dire beaucoup ? _Astuce : pour faire une recherche spécifique, utilisez la touche Ctrl+F (ou ⌘+F sur Mac)_
0 Likes | 27 Copies
Update: February 18, 2020 - modified the Tasks Grouped by Status table to exclude any task where a check is in the Done column. You can undo this by simply removing the filter should you want those visible. Update: February 12, 2020 - changed Status column to Task Status, added more detailed formula to yield statuses of Planning, Due Soon, Due Today, Overdue and Wrap It Up. Included emojis around status names to visually draw the eye. Taskboard is a task management database giving you the simplicity of tracking your day to day tasks, yet power to visualize those tasks in a few ways which will keep you productive and staying on track to your follow-ups and due dates. TASKBOARD TABLE: There is one main table - Taskboard Table and from this you have multiple views of the data along with a web form you can use to enter your tasks on the fly making it easier to get the data into the table. The form can be bookmarked on your Mac, PC or tablet for quicker access. Selecting multiple Tags on from the form is as simple as holding your control key down and selecting the tags you would like for each task. Project Type, Priority and Tags can be modified to whatever you want. Simply select the drop own and select Customize Field Type. You can delete what you don't want or just select it and type over it to rename. The Task Status column is a formula driven field. There is one aspect that pulls from the Done column and the Follow-Up Date field. If you select the Done checkbox, then the Status column will change to Done, however if not checked as done the formula will look at the Follow-Up Date for a few IF scenarios If Follow-up Date is greater than 2 weeks prior to the date the Task Status will show as Planning If Follow-up Date is equal to 1 week before date, then Task Status is Due Soon If Follow-up Date is greater than 0, then the Task Status is Wrap It Up If Follow-up Date is Today, then Task Status is Due Today, otherwise Overdue Each of the above has an emoji on left and right of the words to just visually catch your eye more. This is a nice quick way to look at the table and see how you are tracking against your tasks. TASKS GROUPED BY TASK STATUS Another view copied from the main table is the Tasks Grouped by Task Status. This is just a more focused view looking at statuses that include Planning, Due Soon, Wrap It Up, Due Today and Overdue. This is formula based and uses some emojis to visually draw your eye. CALENDAR FOLLOW-UP & DUE If you are a calendar person, then this is a view you will like. This is working off the Follow-Up date and Due Date fields, where you will see your task displayed as a range of Follow-Up date as the beginning and the Due Date as the end date. The color codes are triggered by Tags and Priority - if the Tag is not empty and the priority is Urgent, then the color is red, if the priority is Hot, the color is pink etc. At a glance you can glean by the color where your focus should or should not be. KANBAN BY PRIORITY This view focuses on the Priority of the task. The cards are customized to show you the task name, task status, priority, follow-up date, and the due date. To dig deeper just click the card to expand for more details. This helps keep the card size to be seen in your screen so you don't have to scroll. You can easily modify this by selecting to customize the cards and turning on the item you want to display in the cards. KANBAN BY TYPE This view focuses on the Project Type. Remember these can change based on your needs, so what is displayed in the template are just examples. The cards are customized the same as the Kanban by Priority view. ADD A TASK FORM This view can be modified for your needs as well. You can copy the URL link and bookmark this for faster access of adding your tasks. If you have the proper account may also be able to make use of the Gantt block which uses both the Follow-Up and Due Date fields. I hope Taskboard moves you on your way to better productivity.
0 Likes | 16 Copies
Plant Landscaping Tracker
This base includes all the plants we used to landscape around our home. It includes a gorgeous Gallery view of all your flowers and shrubs. I took a picture after each flower and plant was in the ground. The best part was I did it all on my phone using the app. Fields included are: - Plant Name - Season Type - Plant Type - Plant Picture - Area Planted - Instructions Image - Sun - Watering - Notes - Date Planted - Record Created Date - Plant Status I'll be adding more info in blog posts soon. Go to and sign up for my newsletter for updates!
0 Likes | 8 Copies
Home Project Tracker
Track your current, upcoming, and dream projects! - Keep all your contractor and handyman information, contracts, and invoices handy. - Inventory your supplies and create a shopping list. - Project tracking with photos, input for tutorials, items needed, type of project, DYI vs Professional, and more. - List all your dream projects so you don't forget them, but keep them separate from reality when planning and tracking.
1 Likes | 31 Copies
Example Script Showcase
There are tons of ways to use the scripting block, so the Airtable platform team has collected some of our favorite examples, both internally and from the community, to help demonstrate what's possible and give other scripters a place to get started fast. Visit the source code, make a copy, and tweak these example scripts to work in your own bases! Some examples also include a link to a Universe base or template with the scripting block already installed so you can quickly make a copy and get started. NOTE: If you choose to copy and use any community-generated script, you do so at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that source code hasn't updated since we chose to put it in this showcase, or that it will work as expected. We've tagged scripts created by the Airtable team, and you can find them all in the "Scripts Created by Airtable" view.
10 Likes | 55 Copies
How to show a Running Total?
Use this base to show a running total for your sales report or any other list of numbers. This is something a bit less straightforward to do in Airtable than in an Excel sheet (for once).
2 Likes | 17 Copies
How to collect infos from your contacts?
This template shows you how to collect infos from your _existing_ contact the right way. This could be helpful for example to collect details, requests or applications, from your your suppliers, clients, students or group members. The goal is to keep your data integrity by making sure that each Submitted form will be _automatically_ _linked_ to the related Contact in your base. We do that by [prefilling]([]( the Contact Record ID in the form URL we built using a formula in the Contact table.
1 Likes | 4 Copies
Business Expense Tracker
Don't fall behind with your expense tracking. I've created an easy to use, cloud base, drop and drag database preloaded with all tax-deductible business expense via Airtable. Feel free to start using it.
0 Likes | 8 Copies
Knowledge Manager for Architecture Firm
Description This base was designed to manage know-how for an an architect-of-record company in Monterrey, MX. BIMmx provides BIM integration and development services and this base (better known as "Shepherd") helps guide all team members to information within the company. References Read more about the thought process that led to this project here: []( Curious on why this project was developed in Airtable? Read about other evaluated alternatives for a Knowledge Management platform here: []( Want to dive deep into what makes the base work? Follow this link: [](
1 Likes | 28 Copies
Iris se livre - Monster List de livres UX (fr)
Cette liste a été créée pour toutes celles et ceux qui se demandent quoi lire pour progresser en [remplir ici avec le sujet qui vous intéresse]. J'en ai lu une partie et annoté les autres, et je suis sûre que vous pouvez contribuer vous aussi ! Vous en voulez encore ? [Rejoignez-nous sur le groupe La Trib'UX]( ou parcourez la [Monster Base de templates et tutos UX (fr) !]([[]( Améliorons la liste ensemble ? [Notez les livres que vous préférez]( ? [Faites-moi vos suggestions en DM !]( Soutenez la liste Créez un compte Airtable en utilisant [mon lien d'affiliation] ( Mon compte sera crédité de 10$, ce qui fait vivre la liste pendant tout un mois. C'est peut-être un détail pour vous, mais pour moi ça veut dire beaucoup ?
0 Likes | 4 Copies
Live Q&A
What does it do? You can use this base to supplement a live Q & A session and display the results in realtime on a basic chart. Some applications could include: - Interactive lectures - Voting The concepts involved will also allow you to create dynamic dashboards using our blocks panel. In other words, using the Global record concept, you can create a reporting dashboard that reflects any adjustments made to the global record. Quick Start 1. Add/update questions using the _Add Questions _view 2. Add as many as you'd like, but make sure that the number of questions are accounted for in the single select _Question _field in the Global Answer table (single select so that Matrix block is available) 3. Each question MUST be linked to the record in the Global Answer table 4. For ease, use the 'Add Questions' view where the records have been grouped under the record in the Global Answer table to add new questions. 5. As you're adding questions, add the answer options. This base assumes that all questions are multiple choice. 6. If you add people, each person MUST be linked to the record in the Global Answer table 7. For ease, use the 'Add People' view where the records have been grouped under the record in the Global Answer table to add new people. 8. Navigate to the ++Gametime++ dashboard 9. Choose the question and whether to show the answer with the Matrix block (the page designer will display the corresponding question by using the _Question on Display _view in the Questions table) 0. Use the Twilio block to send the active question to the team 1. Responses will display in realtime 2. Use the matrix block to move on to the next question or hide/show the answer Understanding the Base The base is set up so that the visuals shown on the Presenter dashboard are driven based the contents of the record(s) in the Global Answer table. The Global Answer table contains the following: - The base link to the response form is contained in the _Dynamic Form Base Link_ field - The Question selection and Show Answer triggers are also contained in this record and displayed/editable via the _Question Control _matrix block - These fields are used by the Matrix block to drive the Q&A flow Since the record in the Global Answer table is linked to every person and every question, the field listed above are available to the linked Question and People records. Specifically: - The _Dynamic Form Base Link _and _Question to Prefill_ is looked up into each record in the People table and used to create a dynamic [prefill form]( link that can then be sent to individuals via text using the Twilio block. Since the Dynamic Form is driven by the selected question in the Global Answer table, an individual with the base link can just refresh the initial form link to respond to the newly selected question. - Note that you may need to update the response form link in the _Dynamic Form Base Link_ field in the Global Answer table to reflect your duplicated base. The new form link should come from the form view of the Responses table.
0 Likes | 2 Copies
Expense Tracker
Track personal or professional expenses with this base. Before using Airtable, I was personally using a sad combination of paper receipts, offline spreadsheets and a mix of softwares. Now, everything is in one place.
1 Likes | 9 Copies
Freelance invoice generator
If you freelance, you know optimizing your time is a high priority. This base automates client billing and invoice creation to save you time. How the base is setup This base is somewhat simplified - you can track tasks, how much time they took to complete, and how much you charge for each one. There's even an option to override an auto-calculated task cost for those times when you give a discount, or incur other fees that aren't captured by a flat hourly rate. A meetings table is ready to be use to take down meeting notes, and link tasks with each specific meeting. Standardized invoice design By linking each task to an invoice number, the invoice total is automatically generated based on each task associated with it. Then, the Page Designer block is already configured with a standardized invoice design that plugs in the details for you. Once you're ready to send it to a client, all you need to do is print to PDF and send it their way. How you can use and adapt this base If you wan to use this base for your own work - including the invoice design - please do! You could create a copy of this base for each client or project you have, or even use it to track all tasks, clients, meetings, and invoices for your business.
1 Likes | 35 Copies
"mini hana" Japanese GETA
Japanese "hanao"workshop Geta and Japanese sandals. みにはな
2 Likes | 3 Copies
Event planning Template - with added Schedule Conflict Script Block
This base extends Airtable's "Event planning" template with a Script Block that can be adapted to any similarly structured base where the requirement to detect overlapping start and end times is pressing. When scheduling large Programs with many individual events at different locations, and across multiple days, it can be difficult to keep tabs on whether or not people have been double booked, and scheduling conflicts can cause chaos. This script is designed to help with that problem. It will check all events in the "Schedule" table for instances where an individual Speaker from the "Speaker & attendees" table has been scheduled to be in two places at the same time! For each speaker that has conflicting events scheduled, a table will be displayed under their name with a list of any offending events, so that they can be found and rescheduled. Any table, view, and field names that can vary from one base to another are stored in a constant at the beginning of the script -- change the names stored in those constant values to adjust to your specific base. For more detailed information, visit [here](
1 Likes | 8 Copies
Goal Tracker Dashboard
A simple and effective space to keep all kinds of goals in one place. Customiseable to ensure maximum productivity. Goals included: - Simple to do list for those one off tasks that needs doing - Master to do list for those really big tasks that needs to be done ... sometime soon... - Daily tasks/habits/goals with a range of ways to track progress, for each month. - Weekly tasks/habits/goals that can be grouped into months. 2 ways of tracking progress - Monthly tasks/habits/goals with deadlines - Yearly tasks/habits/goals with deadlines and status of progress - Bucket List where you can catagorise tasks in life aspects/any way you wish to. Complete with start dates, completion dates, deadlines, notes and status of progress - 101 in 1001 days goal list complete with 101 blank records alreay for you to fill in, a system to catagorise tasks into aspects, status of progress, start and end dates of each task, rating of how the challenge went or how you felt that particular goal was (maybe it was a hyped thing that turned out to be rubbish) and notes for anything about the task wither during , before or after completing it - in days / year a small simple goal list of things you want to accomplish in a certain time frame or how many things you wish to do in a year
0 Likes | 7 Copies
Qualitative Risk Based Inspection template
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) is an [Optimal maintenance]( "Optimal maintenance") business process used to examine equipment such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers and piping in industrial plants. RBI is a decision-making methodology for optimizing inspection plans. The RBI concept lies in that the risk of failure can be assessed in relation to a level that is acceptable, and inspection and repair used to ensure that the level of risk is below that acceptance limit. It examines the [Health, Safety and Environment](,_Safety_and_Environment "Health, Safety and Environment") (HSE) and business risk of ‘active’ and ‘potential’ Damage Mechanisms (DMs) to assess and rank failure probability and consequence. This ranking is used to optimize inspection intervals based on site-acceptable risk levels and operating limits, while mitigating risks as appropriate. RBI analysis can be qualitative, quantitative or semi-quantitative in nature.
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New Creators
People joining as creators this month

Lawrence Le Blanc
Alexandru Turcanu
Just a random guy in his senior year of high-school that likes to play around with emerging tech and software.

Khatia Karolina Odzelashvili
PR pro by day, creative writer in between the jobs

Dance Studio Owner
Max Siegel
Cat father ? Cinematographer ? Retail at Shopify ? Alumnus UC Berkeley and Chapman ?
Nussi Einhorn
I'm looking to help people.
Albrey Brown
Lover of food, music, and culture. Diversity, equity, and inclusion here at Airtable. Everything sucks, make it better.
Arrigo Lupori
Founder and content chief at, a done-for-you business blogging service. Airtable is our go to editorial calendar tool.

Charlie Christian
Just a girl looking to make my life easier using Airtable. Happy to share the tables I've found useful in which I have created.

Sara Kurth
Iris Naudin
Hello, je suis Iris ! Je suis designer UX et chaque jour, je résouds les problèmes de mes clients grâce au design thinking pour des produits meilleurs, durablement.

Kasra Kyanzadeh
I help build Airtable!
The Creative Architect
The Creative Architect teaches entrepreneurs how to start, build, and elevate their businesses.

Sebastián Murillo
I work with companies in Innovation and No Code Tech. Home is Monterrey, MX.

Tyler Coffin
Marketer and content creator based in NYC.
Japanese "hanao"workshop