8/22/2023 – BuiltOnAir Live Podcast Full Show – S15-E07

Duration: 65 minutes

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The BuiltOnAir Podcast is Sponsored by On2Air – Integrations and App extensions to run your business operations in Airtable.

In This Episode

Welcome to the BuiltOnAir Podcast, the live show.  The BuiltOnAir Podcast is a live weekly show highlighting everything happening in the Airtable world.

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Todays Hosts

Alli Alosa – Hi there! I’m Alli 🙂 I’m a fine artist turned “techie” with a passion for organization and automation. I’m also proud to be a Community Leader in the Airtable forum, and a co-host of the BuiltOnAir podcast. My favorite part about being an Airtable consultant and developer is that I get to talk with people from all sorts of industries, and each project is an opportunity to learn how a business works.

Kamille Parks – I am an Airtable Community Forums Leader and the developer behind the custom Airtable app “Scheduler”, one of the winning projects in the Airtable Custom Blocks Contest now widely available on the Marketplace. I focus on building simple scripts, automations, and custom apps for Airtable that streamline data entry and everyday workflows.

Show Segments

Round The Bases – 00:02:45 –

Automate Create – 00:21:37 –

Watch as we review and work through automations. Scott Rose showcases how to build dynamic emails that give them a choice of actions to take within the email

A Case for Interface – 00:40:01 –

Explore Interfaces with “Timeline Updates”.

Kamille walks through the hot off the press updates to the Timeline UI.

View Script

Scripting Time – 00:59:06 –

Explore Scripting with “Timestamping via Automations”.

Alli will share a simple script used to timestamp a record after an automation run.

Full Segment Details

Segment: Round The Bases

Start Time: 00:02:45

Roundup of what’s happening in the Airtable communities – Airtable, BuiltOnAir, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Segment: Automate Create

Start Time: 00:21:37

Airtable Automations – Email Inline Actions

Watch as we review and work through automations. Scott Rose showcases how to build dynamic emails that give them a choice of actions to take within the email

Segment: A Case for Interface

Start Time: 00:40:01

Timeline Updates

Explore Interfaces with “Timeline Updates”.

Kamille walks through the hot off the press updates to the Timeline UI.

View Script

Segment: Scripting Time

Start Time: 00:59:06

Scripting Time: Timestamping via Automations

Explore Scripting with “Timestamping via Automations”.

Alli will share a simple script used to timestamp a record after an automation run.

Full Transcription

The full transcription for the show can be found here:

[00:01:42] Welcome back to the BuiltOnAir Podcast.
[00:01:45] We're on episode seven of season 15.
[00:01:47] Good to be back with you.
[00:01:49] We've got a regular crew with us,
[00:01:52] Alli, Scott and Kamille. Welcome everyone.
[00:01:56] Thank
[00:01:56] you.
[00:01:57] Hi,
[00:01:58] we'll be we'll have a,
[00:01:59] an hour long episode
[00:02:01] talking about everything.
[00:02:02] Airtable. I'll go through
[00:02:03] what we're gonna be talking about.
[00:02:05] We always start with our Round the Bases
[00:02:08] and what people, what's new from Airtable.
[00:02:10] Any discussions in communities.
[00:02:13] Then a shout out spotlight on On2Air
[00:02:16] our primary sponsor.
[00:02:18] Then Scott's gonna walk us through
[00:02:20] email inline actions
[00:02:21] and how to generate
[00:02:22] actions within your emails.
[00:02:25] Then Kamille is gonna walk through
[00:02:28] the latest and greatest with timelines.
[00:02:30] There's some new updates
[00:02:31] we'll be talking about
[00:02:32] and then a shout out to join our
[00:02:34] community and then we'll end with some
[00:02:36] scripting and time stamping with Alli.
[00:02:40] OK. With that
[00:02:42] Round the Bases,
[00:02:43] a
[00:02:44] few updates from Airtable. The first one,
[00:02:47] the timeline which we will dive
[00:02:50] deep into with Kamille, but I'll spotlight
[00:02:53] kind of what they talked about
[00:02:55] says a redesigned summary bar
[00:02:58] drill into tasks and projects,
[00:03:01] assign tasks to multiple people time off
[00:03:05] and then also collapse timeline
[00:03:07] groups by default and smarter summary
[00:03:10] calculations,
[00:03:12] some good stuff and timeline,
[00:03:14] any high level stuff before we
[00:03:17] dive deep into that later in the show?
[00:03:20] Really excited to see
[00:03:21] the collapsing by default
[00:03:23] because the timeline view I think
[00:03:25] is one that could really benefit from that
[00:03:27] feature.
[00:03:28] Really glad to see that
[00:03:30] things get sort of tall very quick.
[00:03:33] Oh yeah.
[00:03:35] Yeah.
[00:03:36] Yeah.
[00:03:36] So
[00:03:37] cool. Yeah, excited to see that.
[00:03:40] We'll give you first look.
[00:03:41] I think this was
[00:03:42] yesterday, this was announced.
[00:03:44] So this is hot off the press.
[00:03:46] We'll be showing you what's new there.
[00:03:50] Another one, I think we sneak peek
[00:03:53] this one in the BuiltOnAir community but
[00:03:55] literally like minutes
[00:03:57] after the show ended,
[00:03:58] they published their announcement
[00:04:01] of print interface pages and saved them as
[00:04:04] PDF S.
[00:04:06] So what can you print or save?
[00:04:08] So here's the layouts
[00:04:10] that they support list,
[00:04:11] timeline, calendar, record detail
[00:04:14] up to 100 record detail pages
[00:04:17] and one PDF also charts are principal.
[00:04:21] So there's a print option
[00:04:24] under the dot dot dot menu.
[00:04:28] I has anyone here been able to
[00:04:30] actually get this to work? Because
[00:04:31] I tried the other day
[00:04:33] with a couple interfaces
[00:04:34] and that menu just was not there,
[00:04:36] so it just wasn't
[00:04:37] there.
[00:04:39] I, I've seen the menu a couple
[00:04:41] of times I can have it work situationally.
[00:04:45] Some pages print exactly as I would
[00:04:47] expect them
[00:04:48] and some are a little bit wonky,
[00:04:50] basically
[00:04:52] anything that starts
[00:04:53] to get too wide to fit
[00:04:55] neatly within a page,
[00:04:56] it just, you know, it's not as,
[00:04:59] it doesn't adapt as well as
[00:05:01] I would hope it
[00:05:02] to when I'm trying to print
[00:05:03] something. But, if it's a simple
[00:05:05] sort of layout that is sort of
[00:05:08] fits roughly within the size of a,
[00:05:11] a page and I've been
[00:05:12] able to get it to look
[00:05:14] pretty okay. I haven't tried a chart yet.
[00:05:16] My understanding is that
[00:05:17] charts can be printed independently.
[00:05:19] So you could have
[00:05:21] literally just the output
[00:05:22] of the chart exported, which
[00:05:24] could be nice,
[00:05:24] but I haven't been able to do.
[00:05:27] That sounds really nice.
[00:05:29] I like, I just literally, I have no,
[00:05:32] like I've seen it on an interface that's
[00:05:34] shared
[00:05:36] with me. I've seen the dot dot dot menu,
[00:05:38] but on my interfaces,
[00:05:39] even if I create a brand new one,
[00:05:42] it's just not there and I can't
[00:05:43] find a setting to get it to show up.
[00:05:45] So I'll have to look into it further,
[00:05:47] but it doesn't seem super straightforward.
[00:05:49] Yeah, and it does say that
[00:05:50] it'll be rolling out
[00:05:52] over the next couple of weeks,
[00:05:53] so.
[00:05:55] I do find it odd that gallery
[00:05:57] isn't supported
[00:05:58] for printing quite yet just
[00:06:00] because it, it's the most
[00:06:02] consistent layout
[00:06:04] if that makes sense.
[00:06:06] Kanban have variable
[00:06:08] card sizes, timeline. Of course,
[00:06:10] we just talked about it
[00:06:11] being very wide and
[00:06:12] very tall
[00:06:13] grid is
[00:06:14] a crap shoot and, and list is somewhat
[00:06:17] more predictable than grid in terms of
[00:06:19] print compatibility but not really.
[00:06:22] Gallery is very,
[00:06:24] you know, there's a CS S property
[00:06:26] exactly for this very purpose.
[00:06:28] And it, it's strange that to me
[00:06:30] that one wasn't,
[00:06:31] available at launch. So I wonder
[00:06:34] what about gallery under the hood
[00:06:36] makes it more complex than
[00:06:38] some of the layouts that
[00:06:40] they've made it enable for us? It,
[00:06:44] my, my favorite part of
[00:06:46] this is this word right here,
[00:06:50] which is not reported yet
[00:06:52] and especially this one right here,
[00:06:55] automation support
[00:06:57] generating PDF. So
[00:06:59] that's a big one.
[00:06:59] I don't know if that's an insight
[00:07:01] that it might be coming.
[00:07:02] We'll see
[00:07:03] that would be awesome.
[00:07:04] I'm pretty happy about the exporting
[00:07:07] a CS V. Just because if you have
[00:07:10] certain business users and,
[00:07:12] and you've said you
[00:07:13] only have access to this
[00:07:14] interface, not the whole base,
[00:07:16] but they need to take that data
[00:07:18] and do something
[00:07:18] with it.
[00:07:19] There's no real way for them
[00:07:21] to get all of that information.
[00:07:22] And so giving
[00:07:24] the conditional ability to export
[00:07:26] a grid or a gallery or whatever as a CS V
[00:07:29] would be pretty useful.
[00:07:31] So you don't have to shove
[00:07:33] people back into the base
[00:07:34] just to get the data out of there.
[00:07:36] Yeah,
[00:07:36] totally. Just like Alli I do not seem
[00:07:39] to have access to this yet.
[00:07:40] So I'm,
[00:07:41] so, it probably hasn't been rolled out
[00:07:43] to me yet, but I'm looking forward to
[00:07:44] playing with it though.
[00:07:46] Me too.
[00:07:47] Yeah.
[00:07:50] And they, they do say later
[00:07:52] we don't yet have a planned
[00:07:53] release date for any of
[00:07:54] the areas we don't support yet.
[00:07:56] So
[00:07:58] looks like these aren't a fast follow
[00:08:01] like they do sometimes with quick
[00:08:04] future follow on releases.
[00:08:08] So we'll see
[00:08:10] that will be a huge game changer
[00:08:12] when we can automate PDF creation.
[00:08:15] Yeah,
[00:08:16] that will, that'll change everything.
[00:08:18] Yeah.
[00:08:20] Yeah. So I wonder if that's kind of
[00:08:22] the the future of the page designer.
[00:08:24] Like they don't need page designer
[00:08:27] because you just build an interface
[00:08:30] designer is
[00:08:32] unique. I think,
[00:08:33] I think there's things that
[00:08:35] it it's a better fit for
[00:08:37] than creating a an interface.
[00:08:39] There's one feature in page designer
[00:08:42] that I wish you could do in interfaces,
[00:08:44] which is
[00:08:45] if you just type in a field name
[00:08:47] with squiggly brackets
[00:08:48] and the text element of
[00:08:49] a page designer page,
[00:08:51] it replaces that with the
[00:08:52] value of the field of the
[00:08:54] record you're looking at.
[00:08:56] That would be super cool.
[00:08:57] Like you could actually
[00:08:58] like have a paragraph with
[00:08:59] details about the record
[00:09:00] that you're looking at.
[00:09:04] I would love handle bar support.
[00:09:06] I don't know
[00:09:06] we'll get it
[00:09:08] right.
[00:09:08] Yeah, I I'm, it's a pipe dream
[00:09:10] for sure. Fingers crossed.
[00:09:12] See, I got both fingers crossed.
[00:09:15] Yeah.
[00:09:17] OK. Very good. A couple more
[00:09:19] things that were spotted
[00:09:21] mostly from the BuiltOnAir
[00:09:22] community. Ben pointed out
[00:09:25] a
[00:09:25] new right
[00:09:26] click menu.
[00:09:27] Maybe it is this unlink
[00:09:31] record. So this is if you right click
[00:09:34] on a, on a linked record field,
[00:09:37] I I assume it's,
[00:09:38] if you're hovering over
[00:09:40] the actual element that's linked,
[00:09:43] you can unlink it,
[00:09:44] which basically means like
[00:09:46] remove that one element from the
[00:09:48] linked record.
[00:09:50] So I wonder if,
[00:09:52] if they'll start
[00:09:54] or do they already use that,
[00:09:56] that naming convention
[00:09:58] of like linking and unlink?
[00:09:59] Is that already kind of how they,
[00:10:01] they refer to linked records?
[00:10:02] I guess they're linked records.
[00:10:04] So that would make sense
[00:10:06] in the interfaces. Yeah,
[00:10:07] in the interfaces,
[00:10:08] they, they are, they act,
[00:10:10] they explicitly have, you know,
[00:10:11] allow users to link and unlink
[00:10:13] records as a toggle.
[00:10:15] Yeah.
[00:10:17] Yeah. It's a,
[00:10:18] it's a separate ability from adding
[00:10:21] new records in the in the first place.
[00:10:23] So
[00:10:25] they've separated out
[00:10:26] those two permissions.
[00:10:28] Yeah,
[00:10:29] because I think when they have
[00:10:31] like the X above it,
[00:10:32] I I bet people get confused
[00:10:33] like if that's un linking
[00:10:35] or actually deleting that, that record,
[00:10:39] I have to agree. People do that
[00:10:41] does scare people a lot, I think.
[00:10:43] And
[00:10:45] when you have the option enabled
[00:10:47] to delete,
[00:10:48] it's delete is in red text and it,
[00:10:50] it says delete record.
[00:10:51] But if you don't see the option,
[00:10:53] unlink record versus deleting record,
[00:10:56] it, that might be confusing
[00:10:58] if you don't know that there
[00:10:59] is a separate option
[00:11:01] to delete the record and you
[00:11:02] just can't see it.
[00:11:04] Now, one interesting thing
[00:11:06] about this is this
[00:11:07] is only in interfaces back in the
[00:11:09] normal grid view or whatever.
[00:11:11] There's the unlink record
[00:11:12] option is not there.
[00:11:14] But they do have, you know,
[00:11:15] there's a lot of different
[00:11:16] ways to get rid of them
[00:11:17] there. Yeah.
[00:11:18] Yeah,
[00:11:18] they have the X there. So,
[00:11:21] yeah,
[00:11:21] that's a new little tidbit. Let's
[00:11:24] see. I think there's another one.
[00:11:29] Oh
[00:11:29] yeah.
[00:11:29] Is this new on look up fields?
[00:11:32] So it's a limit,
[00:11:33] the number of items shown limit
[00:11:35] to the last and you can
[00:11:37] enter a number or the first.
[00:11:40] So it gives you some limiting options.
[00:11:43] Find that really interesting. But
[00:11:47] as Josh Sorensen here pointed out,
[00:11:50] there's definitely some confusion.
[00:11:52] People don't really understand
[00:11:54] how that order is set
[00:11:56] and it's really just set by
[00:11:58] whatever order you're
[00:11:59] linking the records in.
[00:12:01] but I'd love some more control,
[00:12:03] you know, like if you've got
[00:12:05] for me, I would love to be able
[00:12:06] to apply the same array of functions
[00:12:08] you can to roll ups
[00:12:09] to a look up field. Like
[00:12:11] if you're looking up single selects
[00:12:13] and you've got the same
[00:12:14] single select looked
[00:12:14] up 50 times and you just,
[00:12:16] you know, apply a unique function to that.
[00:12:19] So you only see one of them.
[00:12:20] That would be amazing.
[00:12:21] Yeah, totally.
[00:12:23] Yeah, I think this is an incredible
[00:12:25] step in the right direction.
[00:12:26] I think this will be helpful for many,
[00:12:27] many people.
[00:12:28] And
[00:12:29] but
[00:12:30] like Alli was saying,
[00:12:32] there's currently not like
[00:12:34] a meaningful way,
[00:12:35] you know, there has to be a meaningful
[00:12:37] way that the linked records are sorted
[00:12:38] automatically.
[00:12:40] Now you can manually
[00:12:42] shuffle them around,
[00:12:43] you could create a script
[00:12:44] to shuffle them around.
[00:12:45] You could use make dot com
[00:12:46] to shuffle them around.
[00:12:47] But that's all really,
[00:12:49] you know, a lot of extra work.
[00:12:51] If in the linked record field,
[00:12:52] there was just a checkbox to sort by
[00:12:57] blank field.
[00:12:59] That would be
[00:13:00] amazing. Then that would be,
[00:13:01] that would be everything
[00:13:02] we would ever need for
[00:13:03] linked records fields and look up fields.
[00:13:06] So to me, this feels like this
[00:13:08] is halfway to the finish line.
[00:13:10] So I'm, I'm hoping that they take it
[00:13:12] all the way to the finish line
[00:13:13] because this
[00:13:13] is a great, great first step here.
[00:13:16] Yeah,
[00:13:18] go ahead.
[00:13:19] I'm sorry, go ahead.
[00:13:20] No, I was just gonna say
[00:13:22] that makes me really excited.
[00:13:24] I have,
[00:13:25] there was one thing I noticed
[00:13:26] and I think Dan,
[00:13:27] I showed you after a show,
[00:13:28] I don't know that we ever
[00:13:30] pointed it out on the show.
[00:13:31] But I have an enterprise
[00:13:33] account and I noticed that
[00:13:35] I had lost the ability to reorder
[00:13:36] those records by clicking
[00:13:38] and dragging them
[00:13:39] around
[00:13:40] when expanding.
[00:13:41] So expanding from the grid view
[00:13:43] when you expand what,
[00:13:44] what the linked record
[00:13:45] field looks like and you can
[00:13:46] reorder those by dragging
[00:13:48] in my enterprise account
[00:13:50] no longer available.
[00:13:51] Can't do that anymore.
[00:13:53] And I emailed support
[00:13:54] and they were like, actually that's,
[00:13:57] they were like,
[00:13:58] that's expected behavior for now.
[00:14:00] Like, stay tuned basically.
[00:14:02] And I was like, ok,
[00:14:04] like, I'm hoping that that's
[00:14:06] because you're working
[00:14:07] on the ability to sort things
[00:14:09] by a particular field. And they were like,
[00:14:11] oh, yeah, we appreciate your feedback.
[00:14:13] It was a great idea. I'm like,
[00:14:13] ok, like,
[00:14:14] I don't know. Ho hopefully
[00:14:16] that means that it is coming.
[00:14:18] I don't actually know.
[00:14:20] But
[00:14:21] yeah, it's weird.
[00:14:22] It was only in my enterprise account.
[00:14:24] And regular pro account
[00:14:26] still has that feature. So
[00:14:28] was very interesting.
[00:14:32] Wow, that's a big one for them
[00:14:33] to remove.
[00:14:34] That, that's very useful to shuffle
[00:14:35] those around. It is,
[00:14:36] and there was a workaround.
[00:14:38] So if you expand the entire
[00:14:39] record itself, then in that expanded
[00:14:42] card layout,
[00:14:43] you can still move them around.
[00:14:45] It's just when you expand
[00:14:46] just the linked record itself in.
[00:14:51] Yeah, it's weird.
[00:14:52] It's really weird.
[00:14:53] I hope that all gets resolved soon.
[00:14:56] Me too
[00:14:57] because I, I rely on that sometimes.
[00:14:59] I do have a script that and I've gone over
[00:15:01] in, in one episode,
[00:15:03] like probably a couple of months ago,
[00:15:05] I went over a script to sort
[00:15:07] those linked records
[00:15:08] by whatever field you want.
[00:15:10] And that still works and I still rely
[00:15:12] on that a lot, but sometimes you just
[00:15:13] need to manually pop something
[00:15:16] where you want it to go.
[00:15:20] Sorry, that was a long rant
[00:15:21] without being able to
[00:15:22] actually show what I'm talking
[00:15:23] about. But I hope it made sense.
[00:15:26] It made sense. Made perfect sense.
[00:15:30] Kamille any final thought on this one?
[00:15:33] I mean, just in general, I would like
[00:15:35] some
[00:15:37] parity between roll ups
[00:15:39] lookups and formulas.
[00:15:41] Just because linked records
[00:15:44] aren't the only array type field.
[00:15:47] Multi
[00:15:48] selects
[00:15:49] don't have the benefit of using
[00:15:51] roll up functions like
[00:15:54] you don't need array
[00:15:56] unique but something
[00:15:59] like just
[00:16:01] I, I don't know how to phrase
[00:16:03] what I want to say, but just
[00:16:05] I want
[00:16:06] some of the formulas that work
[00:16:08] in roll ups
[00:16:09] to also work in regular formula
[00:16:11] fields. I want some of the functions for
[00:16:15] roll ups, particularly array unique
[00:16:17] to work in lookups. So you don't have
[00:16:20] repeated
[00:16:22] options or
[00:16:24] I want roll ups to have
[00:16:26] the ability to display themselves
[00:16:29] as whatever field type
[00:16:31] they're summarizing just because
[00:16:34] being able to
[00:16:37] you know, flatten or
[00:16:39] only show you unique options
[00:16:42] or things like that
[00:16:43] will only give you a text
[00:16:45] looking value without the ability to
[00:16:48] click on a link record field
[00:16:49] if that's the field
[00:16:50] that you're summarizing or
[00:16:52] see the color of a select option.
[00:16:55] And so you have to pick
[00:16:57] one of these three field if you want
[00:16:59] like a piece of a feature,
[00:17:01] whereas many of them
[00:17:03] are doing similar things,
[00:17:04] it feels like
[00:17:06] there should be,
[00:17:08] you know, some of the features
[00:17:10] should exist across all three,
[00:17:11] but they're very so, specialized
[00:17:14] into
[00:17:15] one particular field. But
[00:17:17] this, it's,
[00:17:18] it's odd to me that you
[00:17:21] would have first or last
[00:17:23] added to look up fields
[00:17:25] but not necessarily roll up fields. Right.
[00:17:28] Yeah, it's, it's not that a look up
[00:17:31] field wouldn't need this.
[00:17:33] It's that
[00:17:34] a roll up would also probably need this.
[00:17:37] So it's strange that it was added to
[00:17:39] one and not the other.
[00:17:41] Yeah. And to your point
[00:17:42] about clicking on things,
[00:17:43] it would be really,
[00:17:44] really great if in a look up field,
[00:17:47] you could expand
[00:17:48] that field and click on any of
[00:17:51] those records to, to zoom in,
[00:17:53] to show you the detail
[00:17:54] of the record that's being looked up.
[00:17:59] Yeah. Yeah,
[00:18:00] exactly.
[00:18:02] Yeah. Good stuff. Hopefully
[00:18:04] Airtable is listening.
[00:18:07] Hopefully they're listening.
[00:18:09] Yeah,
[00:18:09] one more. This was something I don't,
[00:18:12] I don't think I've seen this but
[00:18:13] Russell points out
[00:18:15] in the list view if you have,
[00:18:17] I assume this is
[00:18:18] for like attachment fields.
[00:18:20] If you have a media file in your
[00:18:22] attachment, it'll have a, an auto,
[00:18:24] a built-in media player in line.
[00:18:27] It's a nice little
[00:18:30] feature there.
[00:18:33] Very nice.
[00:18:35] This almost looks like
[00:18:39] like a, just a sketch of it
[00:18:41] or something. Not enough. But,
[00:18:47] but yeah, that could come in handy
[00:18:48] if you, if you've got media files,
[00:18:50] although
[00:18:51] if you've got big media files,
[00:18:53] Airtable may not be the
[00:18:55] place to store them.
[00:18:56] True.
[00:18:59] All right, last one,
[00:19:01] coming from Facebook, this one was,
[00:19:03] somebody pointed it out
[00:19:05] in the BuiltOnAir community as well.
[00:19:06] Getting a lot of attention.
[00:19:08] There's some cool,
[00:19:10] templates being built
[00:19:12] Andrew and there's another one
[00:19:15] that he posted
[00:19:16] previously a couple days prior to this.
[00:19:20] Oh, and there's Russell
[00:19:22] jumping in watching the show,
[00:19:24] we got called out,
[00:19:25] it's very wireframe looking.
[00:19:27] Yes, it is Russell.
[00:19:30] So yeah, so Andrew is posting
[00:19:32] some pretty nice looking templates.
[00:19:35] So
[00:19:36] if you're in need of time tracking
[00:19:39] and the other one was,
[00:19:41] I believe a project management,
[00:19:43] a habit tracker, I think
[00:19:45] tracker. Thank you. That's what it was.
[00:19:47] He's willing to share
[00:19:48] just post in the comments. So
[00:19:50] join the Airtable Community
[00:19:53] group on Facebook and
[00:19:54] you can see those posts.
[00:19:56] So pretty cool
[00:19:59] Stuff being shared there.
[00:20:02] Very cool.
[00:20:05] All right.
[00:20:07] That concludes our Round the Bases.
[00:20:09] Everything going on a few,
[00:20:12] a few updates and
[00:20:13] tidbits from the Airtable communities
[00:20:16] we're gonna move on
[00:20:17] On2Air
[00:20:18] is our primary sponsor On2Air
[00:20:20] is now a backup solution.
[00:20:23] I think I mentioned we'll
[00:20:24] have a new slide here for the next season.
[00:20:26] We'll get this updated,
[00:20:27] but we are now focusing
[00:20:29] on our backup solution.
[00:20:30] To help you back up all your data.
[00:20:32] Make sure you follow best practices
[00:20:34] to always have your data backed up in more
[00:20:37] than one location.
[00:20:38] On2Air
[00:20:39] is, is the leading backup solution
[00:20:42] focused entirely on Airtable.
[00:20:44] And
[00:20:45] quick shout out. We have a new guide
[00:20:49] written by Hannah who runs our
[00:20:51] marketing essential guide
[00:20:52] to backups for your Airtable
[00:20:53] bases. So if you're looking to ways to
[00:20:58] back it up, there's different
[00:21:00] ways that you can do it.
[00:21:01] Obviously, On2air is,
[00:21:03] is our preferred way,
[00:21:04] but there's other ways that you
[00:21:05] can do it and reasons why
[00:21:08] this guide will walk you
[00:21:09] through all the different
[00:21:11] ways that you could
[00:21:12] potentially back up your data.
[00:21:14] And the easiest of course is to use On2Air
[00:21:16] in a couple in a minute or two,
[00:21:19] you can have your data backed up and
[00:21:21] stored in your Google drive box
[00:21:23] or dropbox location where you have better
[00:21:26] control and know that your data
[00:21:28] is safe and secure.
[00:21:29] So check us out at on2air.com.
[00:21:34] All right,
[00:21:36] Scott, if you wanna share your screen,
[00:21:38] Scott's gonna be showing us some tricks
[00:21:40] using Airtable and make to create
[00:21:44] some in line actions in emails,
[00:21:48] right.
[00:21:50] Yes.
[00:21:51] All right.
[00:21:54] OK, cool. So I'm gonna show off
[00:21:58] how you can create emails that you send to
[00:22:02] people where they have
[00:22:04] a choice of things to click on
[00:22:06] in their emails
[00:22:07] and just from clicking on the
[00:22:09] link in the email,
[00:22:11] they can control your
[00:22:13] Airtable database.
[00:22:14] And I was just working on this
[00:22:16] with a, with a client last week.
[00:22:18] He's actually a friend of the show
[00:22:19] he might be watching right now.
[00:22:20] His name is Nick.
[00:22:22] So shout out to Nick
[00:22:23] if he's watching right now.
[00:22:24] And
[00:22:26] basically, I'm gonna show you
[00:22:28] how it works first
[00:22:30] and then I'll show you a peek
[00:22:31] behind the scenes of how it's set up.
[00:22:33] So basically, let's say we have
[00:22:36] this base here,
[00:22:37] that's a marketing campaign,
[00:22:39] tracking base.
[00:22:41] And let's say that you've got
[00:22:43] all these different campaigns
[00:22:44] here and you can see
[00:22:45] some of them are in development,
[00:22:47] some of them are approved,
[00:22:48] some of them are
[00:22:48] denied.
[00:22:49] And let's say that you want to send
[00:22:52] this information to your client
[00:22:55] and you want them to
[00:22:56] either approve or deny
[00:22:58] the campaign.
[00:23:00] And
[00:23:00] you could see here
[00:23:02] you have different choices
[00:23:03] here for approved or denied.
[00:23:05] Now, you know, there's a bunch of
[00:23:06] different ways that this can be done.
[00:23:07] If you have them sign up
[00:23:09] for an Airtable account,
[00:23:12] you may not want them to come
[00:23:13] into your base,
[00:23:14] but you could create an interface
[00:23:15] for them where they don't
[00:23:16] see the rest of your base
[00:23:17] and they could come in and
[00:23:18] they could change it
[00:23:19] from approved to denied.
[00:23:20] You know, there are a bunch of ways
[00:23:23] to do it. If you want them interacting
[00:23:25] with Airtable directly.
[00:23:27] But,
[00:23:28] you know, a lot of times
[00:23:29] you don't really want that, you know,
[00:23:30] if it's just a customer
[00:23:32] and you don't want them
[00:23:33] to set up an Airtable account,
[00:23:34] you don't even want them
[00:23:35] to know you're even using Airtable.
[00:23:37] And this can be used for a whole bunch
[00:23:40] of different things where you may not
[00:23:41] want to open up any part
[00:23:43] of your base to the person.
[00:23:45] So this would be a way where
[00:23:47] you can have somebody control your base,
[00:23:50] the data in your base from an email.
[00:23:53] So I'll show you what
[00:23:55] this looks like. So let's say
[00:23:56] that we've got this Instagram
[00:23:58] campaign right here
[00:24:00] and this is in development
[00:24:01] and now it's time for us
[00:24:03] to send this to the client
[00:24:04] for approval. So I'm gonna change
[00:24:07] this to send for approval.
[00:24:09] Now, what that's doing
[00:24:10] is that's actually triggering
[00:24:12] an automation in Airtable
[00:24:13] and it's sending out an email
[00:24:16] right now. And when it's done
[00:24:17] sending the email,
[00:24:18] it's gonna change that field to
[00:24:19] sent for approval.
[00:24:21] So you know that it's been sent
[00:24:22] and then on the receiving end,
[00:24:24] I'm gonna go into my email inbox here.
[00:24:26] So pretend that I'm the
[00:24:28] client or the customer
[00:24:29] and I get this email here
[00:24:31] that says your approval
[00:24:32] is needed on the following
[00:24:33] campaign.
[00:24:34] And
[00:24:35] I just list the different
[00:24:37] fields from that record.
[00:24:38] And then here's where the magic
[00:24:40] begins down at the bottom of the email,
[00:24:43] there's two different links to click on
[00:24:45] and one says click here
[00:24:47] to approve this campaign.
[00:24:48] And the other one says click here
[00:24:50] to deny this campaign.
[00:24:51] So I'm gonna click on this one,
[00:24:53] click here to approve this campaign.
[00:24:55] And when I click there,
[00:24:56] it takes me to this page here,
[00:24:58] it says thank you for
[00:24:58] approving the Instagram campaign.
[00:25:01] And when I come back into
[00:25:02] my Airtable base,
[00:25:03] you can see that sure enough,
[00:25:05] the Instagram campaign
[00:25:06] has been changed to approved.
[00:25:07] And the same thing would happen
[00:25:09] if I clicked on, click here to deny this
[00:25:12] campaign.
[00:25:12] It says we've received a request
[00:25:14] to deny the Instagram campaign.
[00:25:16] And when we come back in here,
[00:25:18] it has now been changed to denied.
[00:25:20] So in essence, the recipient of that email
[00:25:24] is controlling your Airtable
[00:25:25] base just by clicking
[00:25:27] on the links in the email.
[00:25:29] And you can set things up,
[00:25:30] of course, where
[00:25:31] if it's already been approved,
[00:25:32] you know, they can no longer
[00:25:34] click on those links, you know,
[00:25:35] it won't do anything,
[00:25:36] you know, you could get really,
[00:25:37] really advanced with this
[00:25:38] stuff. That was just a very basic,
[00:25:41] basic example
[00:25:42] and it's super, super easy
[00:25:44] to set this up.
[00:25:45] It, it would only take maybe 15
[00:25:47] minutes or less to set this up
[00:25:49] and I'm gonna show you how you do it.
[00:25:50] And
[00:25:51] so I
[00:25:53] do it using make.com,
[00:25:54] which is one of my favorite
[00:25:55] tools that I use all the
[00:25:56] time.
[00:25:57] And with make.com, they offer web hooks
[00:26:01] and they offer mail hooks and web hooks.
[00:26:05] Mail hooks, I'm not gonna cover today,
[00:26:08] but that involves sending email messages
[00:26:10] to a special email address.
[00:26:12] But for the sake of this example,
[00:26:14] we're using a custom web hook
[00:26:16] and what a webhook is is it is a,
[00:26:19] it's like a listener, it's waiting
[00:26:22] for information to be sent to it
[00:26:24] and when information
[00:26:25] is sent to it, then it takes
[00:26:27] any sort of actions
[00:26:28] that you want to take.
[00:26:30] So what I've done here inside
[00:26:32] make is I've set up two
[00:26:34] different automations.
[00:26:35] One is for the approval web hook.
[00:26:38] That would be the first link
[00:26:40] that the person clicks on.
[00:26:41] And then the second one
[00:26:42] is if they click on the second link,
[00:26:43] which is a denied webhook.
[00:26:45] So this is what I set
[00:26:47] this scenario to look like.
[00:26:48] And basically when you create
[00:26:51] a web hook in make it gives you
[00:26:54] this special URL right here.
[00:26:57] So this is a unique random URL
[00:26:59] with all these random letters
[00:27:01] and numbers at the
[00:27:01] end here.
[00:27:02] And what happens is whenever
[00:27:05] information is sent to this URL,
[00:27:10] it that this make will then receive
[00:27:13] that information that you're sending
[00:27:15] to that URL and then you could do
[00:27:17] whatever you want with that information.
[00:27:19] So the way that, so what I've done
[00:27:21] is so the way I've set this up in Airtable
[00:27:23] is this,
[00:27:24] I've copied this address
[00:27:26] because this is the unique URL
[00:27:28] for approving
[00:27:30] one of those records
[00:27:32] and in back and Airtable,
[00:27:34] I've got two hidden fields here
[00:27:37] and they're both formulas.
[00:27:39] I've got the approval web hook
[00:27:40] and the denied web
[00:27:41] hook. So I'm gonna scroll over
[00:27:43] here to the right
[00:27:44] and
[00:27:45] you can see here that I've got
[00:27:47] a very long URL here and let's go into the
[00:27:51] formula to take a look at this.
[00:27:52] So basically, when we break this down,
[00:27:55] this is what the formula looks like.
[00:27:57] I'll separate this on the separate lines
[00:27:58] here.
[00:27:59] So the first line is just the URL
[00:28:02] that you got from make.com.
[00:28:04] This is the web hook URL.
[00:28:06] Now, if you click on that,
[00:28:08] you know, just on its own, it,
[00:28:09] it really won't do anything
[00:28:11] because you're not
[00:28:11] sending it any information
[00:28:13] with it.
[00:28:14] So what you wanna do is
[00:28:15] you want to send parameters,
[00:28:17] you can send as many
[00:28:17] parameters as you want to
[00:28:20] that web hook.
[00:28:21] And the way you send parameters is
[00:28:23] the, you put the question mark
[00:28:25] right before
[00:28:26] the first parameter.
[00:28:27] If there were more parameters,
[00:28:29] by the way, you would put an and symbol in
[00:28:31] between all the parameters.
[00:28:32] But in this case,
[00:28:33] we're just putting one parameter.
[00:28:34] So we don't have to worry about the and
[00:28:36] we just put the question mark
[00:28:38] and then you can call
[00:28:39] the parameter whatever you want.
[00:28:41] So I want to call it,
[00:28:42] the word record,
[00:28:43] you can call it whatever you want.
[00:28:45] And then you put the equal sign
[00:28:47] and then I'm putting in the record ID
[00:28:50] of this particular record.
[00:28:52] And if you don't know
[00:28:54] what the record ID is,
[00:28:56] every single record in Airtable
[00:28:58] has its own unique record ID
[00:29:00] that Airtable assigns to it.
[00:29:02] If you ever just want to see what it is,
[00:29:04] you could just create a formula.
[00:29:06] There's, there's also another way
[00:29:08] to see it too, but,
[00:29:10] but I'm gonna show you how to do
[00:29:11] it through the formula here.
[00:29:13] You just choose a record ID
[00:29:16] from their functions here
[00:29:18] and you close the parentheses there.
[00:29:20] And
[00:29:21] this is a quick way for you to see
[00:29:23] what the record ID is
[00:29:25] that's assigned to each
[00:29:26] record in Airtable.
[00:29:28] And so when we create this formula here,
[00:29:31] we have the, you can see
[00:29:33] the full URL here. It's the
[00:29:35] web hook
[00:29:37] question mark record equals
[00:29:39] and then the record ID.
[00:29:42] So when you click on that,
[00:29:44] what you're doing is
[00:29:45] you're sending the record ID
[00:29:46] over to make.
[00:29:48] And then the same thing happens
[00:29:50] with the denied web hook
[00:29:52] because each one of
[00:29:52] those scenarios in make
[00:29:55] has a different web hook. So now,
[00:29:58] now that you've got the formula set,
[00:30:00] you just have to go into
[00:30:02] your automations in Airtable
[00:30:04] and put those those
[00:30:06] formulas into your email.
[00:30:08] So this is the automation
[00:30:10] that I set up in Airtable.
[00:30:12] And
[00:30:13] it will trigger when you change
[00:30:16] the status to send for approval.
[00:30:18] So when you're ready to send
[00:30:19] this out to your client for approval,
[00:30:21] you choose it, send for approval
[00:30:23] and that will trigger this automation.
[00:30:24] And then here is where it sends the email
[00:30:27] and in the email,
[00:30:29] I used markdown formatting
[00:30:32] to put the words,
[00:30:33] click here to approve this campaign,
[00:30:36] you put that in square brackets.
[00:30:37] So you put the text
[00:30:39] that you want the users to
[00:30:39] see in square brackets
[00:30:41] and then you put the URL
[00:30:43] in
[00:30:44] regular parentheses. So right next to it,
[00:30:48] I put the approval web hook just
[00:30:51] like that.
[00:30:51] So it's pulling that formula
[00:30:53] from the record.
[00:30:55] And the reason I didn't type in
[00:30:57] the whole URL
[00:30:58] there was because the URL will
[00:31:00] be different based on which record
[00:31:02] is triggering the automation.
[00:31:04] So if I generate a preview here,
[00:31:06] you can see what it looks like.
[00:31:08] This is the email
[00:31:10] and oh and of course,
[00:31:11] I did it for the other link as well.
[00:31:12] Click here to deny
[00:31:13] this campaign.
[00:31:14] So this is what the beautiful
[00:31:16] email will look like.
[00:31:18] So then
[00:31:19] that's it. That's all you have to do
[00:31:21] on the Airtable side. Then from the make
[00:31:23] side,
[00:31:24] what you do is
[00:31:25] you just set up an automation
[00:31:28] to do whatever you want to do.
[00:31:30] You could do a zillion different
[00:31:32] things with make.
[00:31:32] This is a very simple example.
[00:31:34] What will happen is when it receives
[00:31:36] the record ID
[00:31:38] from
[00:31:39] Airtable,
[00:31:40] I mean, from the person
[00:31:42] clicking on the, on that link,
[00:31:43] I'll actually show it to you again.
[00:31:46] I'm gonna run this in make.
[00:31:47] And what I'm gonna do is
[00:31:48] I'm gonna go into my email
[00:31:50] and I'm gonna click on,
[00:31:51] click here to approve this campaign
[00:31:53] and you'll see back here.
[00:31:55] It already ran, it was that quick.
[00:31:58] It ran the campaign.
[00:31:59] So what it did was it
[00:32:01] received the record ID
[00:32:02] that we're talking about
[00:32:04] and then we can work with that
[00:32:06] in any way that we want.
[00:32:07] So the very first thing
[00:32:08] I just made two different paths here.
[00:32:10] So the very first thing we wanna do
[00:32:12] is we wanna update
[00:32:13] that particular record
[00:32:16] with the word approved for status.
[00:32:20] So that's the first thing it's gonna do.
[00:32:22] It's actually going to go into Airtable
[00:32:23] it's gonna update that record
[00:32:25] with the word approved.
[00:32:26] And then the second thing
[00:32:28] it's gonna do is
[00:32:29] it's gonna pull information from that
[00:32:31] record. So, what I told it to do
[00:32:34] is I told it to get a record
[00:32:36] that you can see here,
[00:32:37] it says, get a record
[00:32:38] and I told her to pull information
[00:32:40] from that record that we sent it
[00:32:42] and you'll see right here.
[00:32:44] Here's all the information
[00:32:46] about that record.
[00:32:48] It pulls in the attachment URL S,
[00:32:50] it pulls in all the information
[00:32:53] about that record
[00:32:54] and the reason I wanted to pull in
[00:32:56] all that information was because
[00:32:58] you can also give people
[00:33:00] a web hook response.
[00:33:02] And that's when you see this.
[00:33:04] Thank you for approving
[00:33:05] the Instagram campaign.
[00:33:06] You can give any sort
[00:33:08] of a response that you want.
[00:33:09] And so what I did was
[00:33:11] I actually said,
[00:33:13] thank you for approving the
[00:33:15] and I pulled in the campaign name
[00:33:17] from Airtable.
[00:33:18] So that's why I have to get a
[00:33:20] record here because any information
[00:33:23] that's in an Airtable you can then use as
[00:33:25] part of your response.
[00:33:27] And the thing that's really,
[00:33:29] really cool about these responses
[00:33:31] is that these
[00:33:31] support full html. So even though
[00:33:34] for the sake of this demo,
[00:33:36] I just have one
[00:33:37] little sentence here
[00:33:39] and it's just bold,
[00:33:40] I basically formatted this with header,
[00:33:43] one formatting for html.
[00:33:45] You could literally create an
[00:33:47] entire HTML page if you wanted to,
[00:33:50] you could actually redirect to
[00:33:52] another web page.
[00:33:53] There's actually a ton of
[00:33:55] things that you can do with the
[00:33:59] with the web hook responses.
[00:34:00] This is the documentation on make's
[00:34:02] website.
[00:34:03] And you could see all the different things
[00:34:06] that you can do with it.
[00:34:08] And
[00:34:09] so it's very cool because
[00:34:12] you can
[00:34:13] pretty much do anything that you want
[00:34:16] if it can be done in a web page
[00:34:19] as the response to that person.
[00:34:21] And so,
[00:34:22] but for this, I just put a little,
[00:34:24] where is my thing here? It is I just put a
[00:34:26] little sentence and I put the name
[00:34:28] of the campaign, but you can make that as
[00:34:30] elaborate as you want.
[00:34:31] So
[00:34:32] that is it, that is
[00:34:35] the way to give anybody you want
[00:34:38] access to controlling a record
[00:34:41] or multiple records in your base
[00:34:45] and that's it. Oops.
[00:34:46] Yeah, that's awesome.
[00:34:49] That that feature of the response,
[00:34:52] I don't think Zapier does that like that
[00:34:54] alone is, is a powerful make feature.
[00:34:57] The
[00:34:59] response.
[00:35:00] Yeah.
[00:35:01] Yeah.
[00:35:01] Yeah.
[00:35:02] Did you do like a really ugly
[00:35:04] looking white page.
[00:35:05] That's like success and blah,
[00:35:06] blah, blah, a bunch
[00:35:07] of
[00:35:07] code.
[00:35:09] Yeah, I think the most
[00:35:11] I've done with make's
[00:35:13] webhook response pages,
[00:35:15] I've made it so that
[00:35:17] clicking on the link takes
[00:35:19] you to an html form
[00:35:20] that has like a table of all of
[00:35:22] whatever record
[00:35:23] you clicked on linked records
[00:35:25] with like
[00:35:26] check this box to do
[00:35:27] whatever and then like
[00:35:29] basically designing my own form
[00:35:31] builder inside of the response.
[00:35:34] So when you click submit it,
[00:35:36] updates all of those records
[00:35:38] back in Airtable. So like you could
[00:35:41] like Scott said, you could do quite a lot
[00:35:43] with just that page provided,
[00:35:45] of course, you know how to use html.
[00:35:48] Yeah, that's really beautiful
[00:35:50] that you embedded a form in there.
[00:35:51] That would also be great for like
[00:35:52] surveys for customers.
[00:35:54] Like did you enjoy your
[00:35:54] experience with your customer service rep?
[00:35:57] And then they could fill
[00:35:59] out comments and stuff.
[00:36:00] Absolutely.
[00:36:02] Yeah, Kamille when they hit submit
[00:36:04] on your forms, then what,
[00:36:05] what does that trigger then from
[00:36:07] that point? Or is it an Airtable form?
[00:36:09] No, it's an html form.
[00:36:11] So what I, I wanted an html
[00:36:13] form because I wanted,
[00:36:14] a table inside of it. So
[00:36:16] html table,
[00:36:18] where each of the check
[00:36:20] boxes is a form field
[00:36:22] essentially. So I wanted a fairly,
[00:36:26] I wouldn't say complex but a fair,
[00:36:29] a fairly specific ask.
[00:36:31] And
[00:36:33] no form builder really want,
[00:36:35] got what I wanted
[00:36:36] and it always had to be prefilled
[00:36:38] with a particular record. So
[00:36:40] I made it all in html
[00:36:42] and then the submit button
[00:36:45] took all of the form data.
[00:36:49] And this is this regular like
[00:36:52] html form behavior.
[00:36:53] It didn't really do anything special,
[00:36:56] but it
[00:36:57] submitted it to a separate web hook
[00:36:59] and that web hook parsed that information
[00:37:01] and shoved it back in there too.
[00:37:03] That's so awesome.
[00:37:04] That is so awesome.
[00:37:07] This is
[00:37:08] make and html combined together. Yeah,
[00:37:12] you could do cool stuff.
[00:37:13] One thing I don't know if this is true,
[00:37:15] but
[00:37:16] back in my days when I, I used to
[00:37:18] do a lot of email sending
[00:37:21] for a company. And
[00:37:24] and so I was more involved in email
[00:37:27] and somebody told me that
[00:37:28] some of the spam detectors
[00:37:31] will actually like go through
[00:37:33] your email and
[00:37:34] actually click on the links
[00:37:36] to make sure that it's
[00:37:38] not sending you to
[00:37:40] to a bad website.
[00:37:41] And so you may need to be careful
[00:37:43] because they may actually go to those web
[00:37:45] hooks which would
[00:37:46] automatically trigger the updates.
[00:37:50] And so
[00:37:52] I've actually had that happen with
[00:37:54] a colleague of mine,
[00:37:55] we were trying to build like a, you know,
[00:37:57] like
[00:37:58] click to do this in the database
[00:38:00] functionality with our emails.
[00:38:02] And
[00:38:02] we started getting
[00:38:04] people added to the database
[00:38:06] as like interested in
[00:38:07] doing a certain thing
[00:38:09] when they were like, no,
[00:38:10] I never clicked that link
[00:38:11] and
[00:38:12] yeah, it was because of their,
[00:38:14] their spam filters was,
[00:38:15] was doing exactly that.
[00:38:16] Wow, that's interesting.
[00:38:19] You know, some work, maybe
[00:38:20] a quick work around that
[00:38:22] would be if somebody shares
[00:38:23] slack with you, you could send it
[00:38:25] in a slack message instead
[00:38:26] or other ways.
[00:38:28] I'm trying to think maybe other
[00:38:30] ways that are not email maybe.
[00:38:31] Or if that,
[00:38:33] if that html,
[00:38:35] they have to click a button
[00:38:37] on that page to send
[00:38:38] it
[00:38:38] to confirm.
[00:38:40] Oh, yeah. Even better. Even better.
[00:38:42] Yeah.
[00:38:43] So something like that.
[00:38:46] Yeah.
[00:38:47] Yeah.
[00:38:48] Airtable form to confirm, you know.
[00:38:52] Yeah, you could do that.
[00:38:55] Yeah. And I wish, yeah,
[00:38:57] the Airtable forms.
[00:38:58] I wish they redirect feature
[00:39:00] where you can give it a URL.
[00:39:02] I wish that was
[00:39:02] instant and not have that wait.
[00:39:04] That's kind of stupid.
[00:39:07] Or even if it made you wait,
[00:39:09] I wish I could control the,
[00:39:11] the page you see while
[00:39:12] you're waiting because you have
[00:39:14] either or either you show
[00:39:15] them a custom message
[00:39:16] which could be very nice
[00:39:18] or you can redirect them
[00:39:19] and if you redirect them,
[00:39:20] it just says
[00:39:21] you will be redirected to this
[00:39:23] whatever the URL is. And I'm like, well,
[00:39:26] I would want it to say thank you
[00:39:28] for submitting the form. Hold on just one
[00:39:30] second or something, you know.
[00:39:32] Yeah.
[00:39:32] Right. Yeah,
[00:39:35] but you could do it with fill out,
[00:39:37] you could, you could send them to a fill
[00:39:38] out form.
[00:39:40] Fill
[00:39:40] out
[00:39:40] Super
[00:39:41] cool.
[00:39:42] Yeah,
[00:39:43] more and more. I'm I'm enjoying fill out.
[00:39:46] Yeah.
[00:39:48] Use the On2Air
[00:39:51] coupon. It'll get you a discount.
[00:39:53] Love it.
[00:39:54] Oh, nice.
[00:39:56] All right. Let's move on
[00:39:58] Kamille
[00:39:59] gonna show us the latest
[00:40:01] and greatest of timelines.
[00:40:04] I have realized that it would
[00:40:06] make more sense
[00:40:07] to move these to a different
[00:40:09] window. Hold on.
[00:40:13] Sorry about that.
[00:40:18] OK.
[00:40:19] There we go.
[00:40:21] So not long ago,
[00:40:23] we had a segment on
[00:40:25] some adjustments made to the timeline
[00:40:28] view. They have updated
[00:40:30] once again the sort of
[00:40:32] high level read on these particular
[00:40:35] batches of updates. This is more to do
[00:40:38] with the utilization summary
[00:40:41] feature for timeline view. It's something
[00:40:43] unique to timeline view
[00:40:45] and it basically allows you to select
[00:40:47] a linked record field
[00:40:51] in your
[00:40:52] table of choice
[00:40:53] wherever the timeline lives and
[00:40:57] provide a visualization for how much
[00:41:00] that particular resource has been
[00:41:02] utilized over time
[00:41:04] and you have some controls over
[00:41:06] how that time is split up,
[00:41:09] is it by hours? Is it by
[00:41:10] weeks, et cetera? How it's colored?
[00:41:13] A lot of that was already a feature.
[00:41:16] What they've done is made things a
[00:41:18] little bit more smooth.
[00:41:20] And if you didn't have
[00:41:21] the table structure in place
[00:41:23] already for some of these features,
[00:41:26] they now give you a more
[00:41:28] direct way of creating
[00:41:29] that table structure.
[00:41:32] So
[00:41:33] I'm going to do my best to sort of talk
[00:41:37] through what
[00:41:38] that looks like. So I have a very,
[00:41:42] I don't wanna say a very simple task
[00:41:44] manager because this is slightly different
[00:41:46] from many task managers I've seen.
[00:41:49] I say that because a lot of times
[00:41:52] you have projects and tasks and people and
[00:41:54] that's kind of where it stops,
[00:41:57] this has a table for hours.
[00:41:59] And what that means is
[00:42:02] for each task,
[00:42:05] all the people who are assigned
[00:42:08] to that task are linked individually
[00:42:11] with how many hours
[00:42:12] they are expected to perform
[00:42:14] on that particular task.
[00:42:16] So this is
[00:42:18] more for if Felix is supposed
[00:42:21] to work 30 hours on task 1.2 but Harvey is
[00:42:25] supposed to work 25 hours on task 1.2.
[00:42:29] If you need that kind of specificity,
[00:42:32] you'll want this type of table structure.
[00:42:34] If you need something a little bit
[00:42:36] more simple, then projects and tasks
[00:42:39] would be more appropriate
[00:42:41] because I have this set up.
[00:42:43] That's why my timeline view
[00:42:45] is within the hours
[00:42:46] table and not in the task table
[00:42:48] again because I'm linking
[00:42:51] the people my resource to
[00:42:54] the hours table and not directly to task.
[00:42:58] Hopefully, that was clear.
[00:43:00] So going over just high level,
[00:43:04] all of the date settings are the same
[00:43:07] as they were previously.
[00:43:10] The customized labels are the same
[00:43:12] where you can have
[00:43:14] something that isn't the
[00:43:15] primary field
[00:43:17] listed as the label.
[00:43:18] You can have multiple
[00:43:20] things as part of the label,
[00:43:21] et cetera,
[00:43:22] gold and italicize certain parts
[00:43:24] of the label. That's all the same
[00:43:26] appearance we talked
[00:43:29] about last time where
[00:43:30] you now have the option
[00:43:32] for a record with being expanded
[00:43:35] versus precise
[00:43:36] expanded means it would take up,
[00:43:39] you know, exact increments
[00:43:41] along your timeline. So if this started on
[00:43:44] December 8th, instead of starting
[00:43:46] in the middle of this block,
[00:43:48] it would start directly at six
[00:43:50] because that's the start
[00:43:51] of the week and that's
[00:43:52] how I've broken up my time.
[00:43:55] What's different are very specific things
[00:43:59] within the summarized
[00:44:02] setting at the top. Now, I don't recall
[00:44:06] this being a
[00:44:09] a menu option before. It used to be
[00:44:12] you would click into the group to get
[00:44:15] that kind of information.
[00:44:16] Now it's up at the top under summarized.
[00:44:19] So
[00:44:21] summarize has some very
[00:44:23] basic aggregations.
[00:44:25] These should be familiar if
[00:44:27] you're used to working with roll ups,
[00:44:31] all of these up at the top to my
[00:44:33] knowledge are the same. Some will just,
[00:44:36] you know, add things up,
[00:44:38] count will just count things
[00:44:39] utilization is the one that has changed.
[00:44:42] All of the other summarizations
[00:44:44] can be shown at
[00:44:45] your various different groups.
[00:44:48] You'll see I'm grouping by person
[00:44:50] and then I'm grouping by project.
[00:44:52] If I had some or counter
[00:44:54] mean et cetera, I'd be able to see
[00:44:56] that information summarized
[00:44:59] at both the person and the project level
[00:45:02] utilization is only available
[00:45:05] at whatever group
[00:45:06] represents your resource.
[00:45:09] In this case, my resource is people
[00:45:12] the first setting allocated hours. So
[00:45:17] they describe it as the time
[00:45:19] required by a specific record.
[00:45:21] If I really quickly
[00:45:25] go back to my setup,
[00:45:29] you'll see that for each person
[00:45:31] for each task, I have planned
[00:45:34] amounts of hours and actual hours.
[00:45:38] In this case,
[00:45:41] The weight of each task
[00:45:43] is basically what it's asking me
[00:45:46] that is the planned amount
[00:45:48] of hours for each person.
[00:45:52] And then for total,
[00:45:55] this is something that's gonna
[00:45:57] really depend on how
[00:45:58] you've set up your base.
[00:45:59] And there's
[00:46:00] some, I don't really know
[00:46:01] if there's a right way or wrong way.
[00:46:02] It's a matter of how you
[00:46:04] want to organize your data.
[00:46:06] For me, when I say
[00:46:08] the planned amount of hours
[00:46:10] for this person, for this task is
[00:46:14] I think I said 30
[00:46:16] that's how long, how many hours
[00:46:18] it would take for the whole task.
[00:46:20] But you also have the ability to say
[00:46:22] 30 hours is how much they're gonna be
[00:46:24] spending per day or per week
[00:46:27] or per month. In this case,
[00:46:29] total is appropriate.
[00:46:31] Now, available hours is
[00:46:34] where things have changed.
[00:46:38] I think more so than with allocated hours.
[00:46:40] This is pretty much how it used to
[00:46:42] work
[00:46:43] before, before I get anywhere,
[00:46:47] These are all pretty basic,
[00:46:49] so I'm probably not gonna go
[00:46:51] too far into label color and show in,
[00:46:54] I'll just skip into available hours.
[00:46:56] So it has a whole separate
[00:46:59] sort of configuration screen
[00:47:00] because there's kind of a lot in here
[00:47:03] resource. Again, here's
[00:47:06] where you would put in what
[00:47:09] or whom you're counting hours for.
[00:47:12] In this case, that's a person or people.
[00:47:15] This option, working hours,
[00:47:18] the typical working hours for a resource.
[00:47:21] This kind of confused me
[00:47:23] when I was first setting things up
[00:47:25] in timeline.
[00:47:26] Again, this works similarly to
[00:47:27] how it was before,
[00:47:29] but it's under the hood Airtable's,
[00:47:32] sort of calculating things a little bit
[00:47:35] more reliably based on whatever you
[00:47:37] choose for this setting.
[00:47:39] If I go to my people table,
[00:47:41] very simple. I have each of my people,
[00:47:44] you know how much their hourly rate is,
[00:47:46] but I also have their availability
[00:47:49] availability. In this case for me
[00:47:52] would be how many hours per week
[00:47:55] they might spend or they
[00:47:57] have available to spend on any
[00:47:59] all of their tasks
[00:48:01] going back into my hours table
[00:48:03] where I've said at that timeline,
[00:48:06] that is the field
[00:48:07] that I want communicated.
[00:48:08] It's a field that relates to whatever
[00:48:12] your resource is and how much time
[00:48:14] they have to spend in a given
[00:48:17] timeline to spend on
[00:48:19] these different tasks.
[00:48:21] Similarly to
[00:48:24] where I showed total a second ago,
[00:48:26] you can change what you mean
[00:48:29] by availability.
[00:48:30] For me, I said 20 hours per week is
[00:48:33] normal for
[00:48:34] all of my people. But you might say that,
[00:48:38] you know, 20 hours per day
[00:48:39] would be insane,
[00:48:40] but you could do that if you wanted
[00:48:41] per week or per month.
[00:48:44] So you do have that flexibility of
[00:48:47] defining availability in a couple of
[00:48:51] ways. I'm gonna
[00:48:52] put that back to a week,
[00:48:54] but you should be able to see that
[00:48:57] things are adjusting themselves
[00:49:00] in my summary bar
[00:49:02] as I make that calculation
[00:49:04] adjust for how mu how much
[00:49:07] is available per day, per week, et cetera.
[00:49:11] And now we have a separate option
[00:49:14] for account for time off.
[00:49:15] This was a feature before
[00:49:18] but it was somewhat hard to
[00:49:22] hard to get in there.
[00:49:25] So to sort of demonstrate the
[00:49:29] things that they've added,
[00:49:31] I'm just gonna really quickly create a new
[00:49:33] timeline view. I'm gonna set it up
[00:49:36] largely the same as it was set up before
[00:49:38] grouping by person and then by project
[00:49:41] that's fine. Going in to summarize
[00:49:46] you would choose utilization
[00:49:48] allocated hours again,
[00:49:51] that's planned total is fine
[00:49:54] available hours. There's a lot you
[00:49:57] need to click
[00:49:58] in order to get this to work.
[00:49:59] My resource once again is
[00:50:02] person.
[00:50:05] And then I'm just gonna skip straight
[00:50:08] to account for time off to see what that
[00:50:11] would look like
[00:50:12] before. You would have to definitely
[00:50:14] have this table structure in place.
[00:50:17] What is it?
[00:50:18] It's expecting
[00:50:19] a table where each record
[00:50:22] shows one or more
[00:50:24] of your resources in a time range
[00:50:27] where they are unavailable.
[00:50:29] If you don't have that table in place,
[00:50:32] now, Airtable will create
[00:50:34] a table for you with that.
[00:50:37] Which is fairly nice.
[00:50:40] I do have that table available.
[00:50:42] It's called vacations.
[00:50:43] So it knows that my resource is person.
[00:50:47] So it's looking in the people table
[00:50:50] for a linked record field to something
[00:50:54] other than
[00:50:55] hours because it knows
[00:50:57] it's not this table.
[00:50:58] This is where all my tasks are, not
[00:51:00] where all my vacations are.
[00:51:01] So,
[00:51:02] my link to my vacations,
[00:51:05] the start date and end date
[00:51:07] of my vacations,
[00:51:09] you don't need an end date,
[00:51:10] but it's nice to have
[00:51:12] I might call this vacation instead of PTO.
[00:51:17] And then really quick, quickly
[00:51:19] looking at what your vacations table would
[00:51:21] look like, either you've created
[00:51:23] this yourself
[00:51:24] or you've used the button for
[00:51:25] Airtable to create it for you.
[00:51:27] It's just a link to
[00:51:29] one or more resources.
[00:51:31] You can enable this
[00:51:33] to have more than one person
[00:51:35] linked per record.
[00:51:36] And then the start date. Again,
[00:51:39] end date is optional.
[00:51:41] It's useful for having more
[00:51:43] than one person on a record. If,
[00:51:46] I think the
[00:51:46] example they use in their documentation is
[00:51:49] if the whole office is closed
[00:51:52] for the week of Christmas, for example,
[00:51:54] then everyone is off that week,
[00:51:56] you don't necessarily have to create one
[00:51:59] record per employee.
[00:52:00] You could just link
[00:52:01] them all to one record,
[00:52:02] which is pretty nice.
[00:52:07] There's just so much going on
[00:52:09] with the timeline view. Yeah,
[00:52:12] so
[00:52:12] much
[00:52:13] there's so much going on.
[00:52:15] So those are,
[00:52:17] those are all of the settings
[00:52:19] I think
[00:52:21] just really quickly again,
[00:52:22] then in the show
[00:52:24] in option, you can only show
[00:52:26] the utilization function in whatever group
[00:52:29] represents your resource.
[00:52:31] Again, for me that is person slash people.
[00:52:34] So I can only show it in my person group.
[00:52:40] All that to say I have some
[00:52:43] very basic coloring
[00:52:45] for when utilization is more
[00:52:48] than I think I said 50
[00:52:50] color that time block red for that person.
[00:52:53] So
[00:52:56] you know, Felix is has pretty good
[00:52:59] utilization everywhere except for in this
[00:53:02] sort of free week span.
[00:53:03] That's where it's color coded,
[00:53:05] that's not necessarily new. It's all about
[00:53:09] how,
[00:53:11] how these numbers are kind of arrived at.
[00:53:14] If that makes sense,
[00:53:16] I have all of these different hours that
[00:53:20] were planned for each of these
[00:53:22] individual tasks
[00:53:23] that are being stretched across
[00:53:25] the entire length of the task
[00:53:27] because I chose total
[00:53:29] rather than per day or per
[00:53:31] week or per month.
[00:53:32] And then Airtable is counting up
[00:53:36] this task could last 730 days.
[00:53:39] And I said it was,
[00:53:40] you know, 30 hours
[00:53:42] or something total for Felix specifically.
[00:53:45] And then it's counting whatever that
[00:53:48] divided
[00:53:50] you know, the total number
[00:53:52] of days by the
[00:53:53] total hours for the task dividing that up,
[00:53:56] then doing the same for all of the
[00:53:58] other tasks
[00:53:59] for all of the different projects
[00:54:02] and then rolling that up into for this
[00:54:04] particular week,
[00:54:05] how many hours
[00:54:08] is Felix going to be working
[00:54:10] for these particular tasks
[00:54:12] for this particular
[00:54:13] period of time
[00:54:14] based on
[00:54:16] how much I've said he is available
[00:54:19] for each particular week.
[00:54:22] So
[00:54:23] fairly complex,
[00:54:26] right?
[00:54:27] It takes some learning
[00:54:29] to
[00:54:30] find a way to make this
[00:54:32] make the most sense for you.
[00:54:35] And part of that
[00:54:36] learning curve has to do with
[00:54:39] how you set up your particular
[00:54:42] base because again,
[00:54:44] you might, I've said that I wanna
[00:54:46] track availability by week,
[00:54:48] but for other people,
[00:54:50] it might make more sense
[00:54:52] to track it by individual day
[00:54:54] on a day to day basis.
[00:54:56] I have eight hours to work.
[00:54:58] Whereas other people,
[00:54:59] you might say, well,
[00:55:01] I'm not gonna spend all 40 hours.
[00:55:03] I work in the week
[00:55:05] doing these projects.
[00:55:06] I'm gonna be spending another
[00:55:08] portion of my time doing
[00:55:09] administrative tasks
[00:55:10] or something like that.
[00:55:11] And that's why I chose 20
[00:55:13] instead of 40 hours a week.
[00:55:14] It's kind of up to you
[00:55:16] how you divide some of these
[00:55:19] numbers up
[00:55:20] to determine how available someone is.
[00:55:24] And then Airtable does its very best
[00:55:26] in trying to visualize
[00:55:28] for you.
[00:55:30] So this is
[00:55:31] hopefully this sort of
[00:55:33] explained what these features
[00:55:35] do. But it really is something
[00:55:37] that I think everyone needs to
[00:55:38] play around with a lot
[00:55:41] to really get a handle on,
[00:55:44] you know,
[00:55:45] what exact setup works
[00:55:47] best for them. But it, it is nice that
[00:55:50] it will create a vacation,
[00:55:52] you know, PTO or whatever
[00:55:53] you wanna call it table
[00:55:55] for you if you didn't already
[00:55:56] have one because otherwise,
[00:55:58] you know, it does require
[00:56:01] specific tables set up in order
[00:56:03] to use this kind of information.
[00:56:05] And so they've kind of
[00:56:07] eliminated that if you
[00:56:08] didn't happen to have
[00:56:10] this table already created.
[00:56:12] Kamille, does it understand
[00:56:14] if one person is linked
[00:56:16] to many different vacation
[00:56:17] records?
[00:56:19] Yes.
[00:56:21] Yeah.
[00:56:22] So, you know,
[00:56:23] Felix has this one vacation here,
[00:56:25] but Felix can have another
[00:56:27] vacation that's,
[00:56:29] you know, from the seventh,
[00:56:31] the whole year later to like,
[00:56:33] you know, the 19th. And if I went
[00:56:36] I don't, I don't think he has any hours
[00:56:39] over there but it would take
[00:56:41] that into account for,
[00:56:43] that week that he's just not,
[00:56:46] he shouldn't be available
[00:56:48] if that makes sense.
[00:56:50] Now, I have not figured out how
[00:56:51] to handle.
[00:56:52] I've said in, in your typical week
[00:56:55] to week,
[00:56:56] Felix is available 20 hours a week.
[00:56:58] If there's a,
[00:57:00] you know,
[00:57:01] very specific
[00:57:03] instance where he's available 30 hours
[00:57:05] that week, I have no idea how you would,
[00:57:09] you know, portray that.
[00:57:10] But that's fairly,
[00:57:13] that's a lot of detail that,
[00:57:15] I don't know if you necessarily need,
[00:57:17] but that is something to take
[00:57:19] into account.
[00:57:20] It's really a matter of averages on
[00:57:22] average, he's available 20 hours
[00:57:24] a week
[00:57:25] and in these specific days or weeks,
[00:57:27] you know,
[00:57:28] talking about the vacations table,
[00:57:30] he's not available at all is,
[00:57:32] is how Airtable is giving you
[00:57:34] the ability to visualize it.
[00:57:36] Yeah.
[00:57:37] Right.
[00:57:39] A while back, I noticed,
[00:57:40] I don't know if they've fixed this or not.
[00:57:42] And this was like, definitely,
[00:57:44] well over a year ago,
[00:57:46] but under the date settings,
[00:57:49] there's
[00:57:50] the ability to stay, you know,
[00:57:52] all calendar days are only work days
[00:57:54] and
[00:57:55] if you do only work days it didn't take
[00:57:59] weekends out of the calculations.
[00:58:03] But I have not tested that.
[00:58:05] I haven't looked at it in a while.
[00:58:07] I would hope that it does.
[00:58:08] But it basically because
[00:58:10] before it's like, ok,
[00:58:11] they might be available 20 hours
[00:58:13] a day, but that's only on the weekdays,
[00:58:16] not on the weekends.
[00:58:19] So something to look at, I'm not sure.
[00:58:21] But yeah,
[00:58:22] I found that interesting.
[00:58:25] Nice.
[00:58:27] Awesome. Thank you
[00:58:28] Kamille for sharing that
[00:58:29] you can tell that Airtable
[00:58:31] is definitely investing
[00:58:33] heavy into their timeline
[00:58:34] with all the updates.
[00:58:36] So they're definitely,
[00:58:37] I imagine getting demand to,
[00:58:39] to make that is
[00:58:41] as, as feature rich as possible.
[00:58:44] So let's move on
[00:58:45] quick shout out to
[00:58:47] join our community at BuiltOnAir.
[00:58:49] You'll interact with thousands
[00:58:51] of other Airtable users
[00:58:52] who are all fans of
[00:58:53] it, join us at
[00:58:54] builtonair.com/join
[00:58:56] that will get you into
[00:58:58] our Slack channel as well.
[00:59:00] Let's end with Alli
[00:59:02] and some scripting.
[00:59:05] Awesome.
[00:59:06] All right.
[00:59:08] I'm gonna go over a really quick
[00:59:11] example of time stamping a record using a
[00:59:15] very simple script.
[00:59:17] So this is a CRM type database
[00:59:21] that I've got set up for demos.
[00:59:24] Let's say that after I enter
[00:59:26] in a particular interaction with a person,
[00:59:29] I want to send them a follow up.
[00:59:34] And then I want time stamp
[00:59:35] that record
[00:59:36] with the date and time that I sent that
[00:59:38] actual follow up.
[00:59:42] Let me just make sure that I've got,
[00:59:45] well, I don't really need to go
[00:59:46] through the whole email thing,
[00:59:47] but
[00:59:48] so I've set this up so that it would be
[00:59:50] triggered quite like Scott had his
[00:59:52] triggered by a single select.
[00:59:55] Basically, if I'm, once
[00:59:57] I'm done typing in all my notes,
[00:59:59] then I can
[01:00:01] go over to my single select and say,
[01:00:04] yep, I wanna send this follow up.
[01:00:07] And that will be my trigger
[01:00:09] for the automation
[01:00:11] that I am about to create quickly.
[01:00:17] So I would say when
[01:00:19] a record matches conditions
[01:00:21] on the interactions table
[01:00:24] and those conditions are gonna be when
[01:00:27] a single select field
[01:00:29] is set to send, follow up.
[01:00:32] And what I like to do is
[01:00:35] now say you don't want that follow up
[01:00:37] to go out more than once.
[01:00:39] That's where this trick
[01:00:40] comes in really handy.
[01:00:41] Like if I've already sent this follow up,
[01:00:44] it's marked as follow up sent and then
[01:00:45] somebody somehow comes
[01:00:47] back in here and changes
[01:00:49] this back to send again.
[01:00:51] But
[01:00:51] I don't want it to go out twice
[01:00:53] because now my client or the person I'm
[01:00:55] interacting with has already received
[01:00:57] an email and it might just be confusing
[01:00:59] for them to receive two.
[01:01:02] I also put in a little fail safe
[01:01:05] into my automation trigger to say where
[01:01:08] follow up sent is empty.
[01:01:12] So basically, what's gonna happen is
[01:01:14] we're going to trigger this automation,
[01:01:16] we send the email and then we go back
[01:01:18] and update the record to say
[01:01:21] what date and time we
[01:01:23] sent that follow up.
[01:01:24] And so that will make,
[01:01:25] make sure that this field is no
[01:01:27] longer empty.
[01:01:28] And the next time somebody
[01:01:29] goes to try and send it again,
[01:01:31] it won't go out
[01:01:31] because we've got this fail
[01:01:33] safe in our trigger.
[01:01:35] So whatever you want to have
[01:01:37] happen here,
[01:01:38] I'm not gonna go through setting up
[01:01:39] the email step, but you could,
[01:01:40] you know,
[01:01:41] this could work for any number of
[01:01:42] different
[01:01:43] automation flows.
[01:01:45] Something would happen,
[01:01:46] we would send the email, we would go,
[01:01:48] you know,
[01:01:49] do some sort of action
[01:01:51] and then I would
[01:01:54] write a little script
[01:01:57] and
[01:01:59] very simple, we want to define our table.
[01:02:03] So we say base dot get table interactions
[01:02:07] and then we just want to find one field
[01:02:10] on that table. So we'd say table
[01:02:13] dot get field
[01:02:14] and that field is gonna be follow
[01:02:16] up sent.
[01:02:19] Now we need to
[01:02:21] put in our input variable
[01:02:23] which is just gonna be the record id of
[01:02:27] the record that triggered this automation.
[01:02:29] And
[01:02:31] then we can define our
[01:02:34] input dot config variable
[01:02:36] which I usually say like config
[01:02:38] equal input dot config.
[01:02:40] So now I can access via
[01:02:42] this config object anything
[01:02:44] that I put over here
[01:02:46] for my input variables.
[01:02:49] So now I can actually just write
[01:02:51] the call which is gonna be
[01:02:53] a
[01:02:54] wait table dot update record
[01:02:57] Asy.
[01:02:59] And then the record that we want to update
[01:03:02] going kind of fast just for time here. But
[01:03:06] this is gonna be configured
[01:03:07] out record is saying, all right,
[01:03:08] I'm gonna update the record
[01:03:10] that triggered this automation.
[01:03:14] And then the field I wanna update
[01:03:17] is the one I've defined up here.
[01:03:19] And in javascript, if you just write new
[01:03:22] space date with a capital D
[01:03:25] open and close parentheses,
[01:03:27] this creates a new date, time object
[01:03:32] that will just insert the
[01:03:34] current date and time into
[01:03:35] that field.
[01:03:37] So let's actually grab
[01:03:41] that record really quickly.
[01:03:47] I'm gonna skip over the send an email
[01:03:50] part and just test this action here.
[01:03:52] And when we go back to look,
[01:03:55] that should just fill it in right now
[01:03:57] with the current date and time.
[01:04:01] I like doing it this way.
[01:04:02] A lot of people might use,
[01:04:04] like I've seen people do
[01:04:06] this where they use now as a
[01:04:10] field and then they take this value
[01:04:12] and just copy it and paste it into there.
[01:04:14] But I don't like that
[01:04:15] for a number of reasons.
[01:04:16] We've gone over on this podcast,
[01:04:18] which is now is
[01:04:19] a
[01:04:19] very expensive field type.
[01:04:21] It's gonna slow down your base.
[01:04:22] And also as you can
[01:04:23] see.
[01:04:24] Yeah.
[01:04:28] OK.
[01:04:30] Using the javascript step.
[01:04:32] Very simple little script
[01:04:34] always uses. I believe it always uses
[01:04:36] the time zone that you're currently in
[01:04:38] that this is being run from.
[01:04:41] And
[01:04:42] that's it. Just a few lines of code
[01:04:44] and it'll time stamp that record.
[01:04:47] That is very handy. That's very cool.
[01:04:52] There's no 10 Go on,
[01:04:54] go ahead.
[01:04:55] I was gonna say there's no one
[01:04:56] that makes scripting look as easy as Alli.
[01:04:58] That's number one
[01:04:59] and number two, Alli,
[01:05:01] I love how you do the lightning bolt
[01:05:03] like emojis to let
[01:05:04] people know that those
[01:05:05] are like automation triggers.
[01:05:06] Thank you. Yeah, I,
[01:05:08] I love doing that.
[01:05:09] It's, it comes in really handy like I
[01:05:11] know that, hey, this is gonna be,
[01:05:13] these two are both
[01:05:14] involved in an automation.
[01:05:16] And then this emoji here is saying,
[01:05:18] all right,
[01:05:18] that's gonna actually trigger it.
[01:05:20] If I were getting really fancy,
[01:05:22] you know, I would also either write right
[01:05:24] into the script,
[01:05:25] changing that single select
[01:05:26] or sometimes I just do an update
[01:05:28] step here because
[01:05:29] it's great because you're
[01:05:31] not actually paying per
[01:05:32] step, which is amazing.
[01:05:34] Thank you Airtable.
[01:05:37] We would just set it up like this.
[01:05:40] Even fancier, what I would do is
[01:05:42] I would use conditional logic
[01:05:45] to say
[01:05:46] like I'd put all of this inside
[01:05:48] of one conditional block to say,
[01:05:50] all right, if follow up sent
[01:05:53] this field is empty,
[01:05:55] do this otherwise change
[01:05:57] this back to follow up
[01:05:58] sent.
[01:06:00] Because
[01:06:01] now that I've sent this
[01:06:03] out once and if somebody
[01:06:04] comes back and changes this,
[01:06:06] it's just gonna get stuck
[01:06:07] like that because the
[01:06:08] automation just doesn't run
[01:06:11] so
[01:06:12] complex. I might talk
[01:06:13] about that if I had more time. But
[01:06:16] that,
[01:06:17] that's nice.
[01:06:18] Awesome.
[01:06:19] Thank you, Alli.
[01:06:20] That is a great,
[01:06:21] very useful at some point,
[01:06:23] Airtable is gonna make
[01:06:24] a configuration where you can
[01:06:26] insert the now, you know,
[01:06:28] like you would think you
[01:06:29] would have that for
[01:06:30] fields
[01:06:32] that
[01:06:32] would be,
[01:06:34] you know, that's coming
[01:06:35] or you're hoping that's coming?
[01:06:36] I'm hoping I would
[01:06:37] expect it to.
[01:06:39] You would think
[01:06:39] it would already be there. But
[01:06:41] yeah.
[01:06:41] Yeah.
[01:06:42] Yeah.
[01:06:43] But until then Alli's got us covered
[01:06:46] with the fancy script. So,
[01:06:49] very cool. Well, that concludes it.
[01:06:51] I did wanna Scott. Tell us about
[01:06:54] TableForums. You can find Scott there.
[01:06:56] Oh, yes. Come to tableforums.com
[01:06:59] the unofficial Airtable discussion
[01:07:02] community.
[01:07:03] It's a great community.
[01:07:04] All of us are there
[01:07:05] and you can ask questions,
[01:07:06] share thoughts about Airtable.
[01:07:08] It's a, it's another great
[01:07:09] community for you
[01:07:10] guys to join.
[01:07:11] Yep. Yeah, we usually spotlight it.
[01:07:13] We didn't happen to have any today,
[01:07:15] but it's usually in the rotation
[01:07:17] that we try to spotlight. So,
[01:07:18] yeah, check it out great conversations,
[01:07:21] more long form, really good
[01:07:22] long discussions of,
[01:07:24] of topics and things there. So
[01:07:27] thank you all for joining.
[01:07:29] We will be back next week
[01:07:30] with our final episode of
[01:07:31] the season. So join us next week.
[01:07:33] See you all then.
[01:07:34] Thanks bye.